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Draco's POV

It hurt. It felt like every cell in my arm was on fire. I grabbed my wand and tried to heal it, but it didn't do anything. I dragged myself to the nightstand cabinet and pulled out some unused bandages. Once my arm was wrapped, I placed a numbing spell on it. If I couldn't heal it, I could at least make the pain go away.

She'll be fine. She can't get away from the manor away. The gates are too tall and the gnomes won't let her anywhere near the gate anyway. I should give it time.

So I sat there on the ground for who knows how long.

What if this going to happen every time? What if that potion doesn't even work? She's going to feel so horrible when she sees my arm. I'll just not let her ever find out. It shouldn't be that hard.

After what felt like five minutes, but was really five hours, I grabbed some more of my clothes. I pulled on the book and walked out the front door of the Manor. I walked around until I found large indents in the muddy ground, the shape of a huge wolf's.

I followed her tracks, with new clothes in hand, once the moon started to disappear above the clouds in the sky. The tracks went past the garden into an empty 5 foot pit in the ground. It was the den that I had dug for Bootsy.

She was my dragon. She was born around the same time as me. But she died. Around the time when I was maybe seven years old.

Bootsy was beautiful. She was small though, just a baby. Her skin was a deep maroon color with yellow spots scattered here and there. But her feet were the color of clouds with water filling up in them, ready to pop.

The grey in her feet faded as it got closer to the rest of her, but that was why I called her Bootsy. She was my friend. I felt like she would always be here for me, especially when my parents weren't.

Lucius killed her. He claimed to have known nothing about it. But I know it was him. I found her, in this very den, covered in her own blood. Gashes shown on the surface of her beautifully large wings. I remember hearing her whimper and what sounded like a call to me, before she stopped moving. I remember being right next to her and crying because she was my pet, my friend. I knew it was him. Lucius. I just do.

I started towards the entrance of the den and it was very dark.

"Lumos," I whispered. The tip of my wand lit up dimly and I reached for Hermione's figure on the ground.

I found her, asleep. But she had no clothing on as it was ripped back in my room. I knelt down next to her and tried not to look, while carefully, slipping the clothes onto her body. I kept my face turned, but I still saw the new cuts and bruises all over her.

A tear escaped my face and I wiped it away. Surely it was merely a tired-tear. I got her completely dressed in another one of my shirts and pants. It was a long sleeve black shirt and long black pants.

She looked so peaceful. I situated myself to sit next to her, with my back against one side of the den. I carefully slipped my hands under her arms and pulled her into mine. Her hip grazed my thigh and her head was now rested on my chest. I held her in my arms and eventually, her arms found their way snaked across my waist.

I hate seeing her like this. Seeing anyone like this. It's inhuman. It's horrible. I held onto her and I cried. Because it would be so terrible. Being in her situation. Changing every once in a while and being conscious, but not in control. Being forced to hurt people because it's your nature. Of course, that's what the world thinks the Malfoys to be.

Granger has such a good heart, and she had to be the one to be cursed with this horrible condition. My weeping ceased and I was left with tired eyes.

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