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A couple months later, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy hadn't spoken to each other at all. They passed each other in the corridors, just the same, but the only thing between their scarce glances was hate and hurt.

Hermione had been meeting up before a full moon with Blaise Zabini. Draco, of course, always acknowledged when there was a full moon, and promptly made sure every morning after, she returned to the castle in one piece. He also learned to do his appearance changes quite well. Not perfect, like Hermione's but for the most part, pretty alright. He never placed the freckle at the tip of his nose, simply because he didn't want to think of her.

Draco was becoming very accustomed to being in Hufflepuff house. For once in his life, he felt he could just be himself.

As time passed, people wondered and wondered why "Taviyis Renfro" was put in the disabled's dorm. He started to wonder the same thing. He had no reason to stay anymore. Hermione was being taken care of by Zabini, and he himself wasn't injured or anything. From the eyes of fellow students, he was just a normal guy, somehow put in with the disabled.

He took the opportunity to get further from Hermione and proceeded to ask Professor McGonagall if he could move into the Hufflepuff dormitories.

Of course this meant Draco would have to wear his disguise charms all day everyday, but he was willing to sacrifice his old looks for something that means a bit more—friends. He figured the Hufflepuffs would treat him nicely, whether they knew "Taviyis" came from the other side or not.

He moved into the dormitories and immediately the fellow hufflepuffs treated him with respect and he had become acquainted with many of them.

One girl he was particularly fond of, (this character is completely of my own making. she is not in the books and she is not in the movies. i repeat, this character is entirely my own) a fourth year, Tami Lynn Pierce.

Tami Lynn was a short, teal haired, Filipino girl, with the largest brown eyes to be naturally inherited. Her face was covered in acne because "mother told me to never utilize my magic to change my appearance because she thinks I'm beautiful and so should I." She wore silver and white circle rimmed glasses and always wore her hair in a fluffy blue scrunchie.

Her favorite subject was Potions, like Draco, and much to his surprise she's been going to Hogwarts since first year. Draco was taken aback by the fact that he had never noticed her, even with her teal hair.

In the months Hermione and Draco did not speak to each other, Draco could talk to Tami Lynn, and Hermione could talk to Blaise. The fact that Taviyis Renfro(Draco Malfoy), an 18 year old boy, was becoming best friends with a 14 year old girl did raise a few eyebrows, but they knew that their relationship was strictly platonic.

Draco spoke of his past, never truly revealing to Tami Lynn who he was, and Tami Lynn made him feel less alone. He told her about his fight with the ever famous Hermione Granger and how they had become close over the summer. He kept to their made up story, too afraid to scare away his new and only friend.

She always told him, "you can't let other people define you by who were, but should instead define yourself by who you became."

He, of course, being Draco Malfoy, never truly took it to heart, but he appreciated Tami Lynn's words all the same.

It was just about Christmas and everyone was excited for break. Narcissa Malfoy had written to Draco asking if she'd be seeing Hermione during break. She had also told Draco that she'd already sent an owl to Hermione asking her to come.

Draco shook his head as he read the owl. He didn't want anything to do with that girl. Tami Lynn approached him and he got the most wonderful idea.

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