3- why can't you see it?

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(Tw: talks about addiction/ arguments.)

Tom and Tord we're currently in the kitchen

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Tom and Tord we're currently in the kitchen. Having there usual argument in the morning. It was 10:40AM when the argument broke loose.


They shouted at each other back in forward.

"You think I know?!" Tord retorted back. Crossing his arms as he sat at the kitchen table.

"Yeah! Because you always steal my shit!" Tom shouts back. As he opened the fridge.

Seeing his Smirnoff.
Right there.

"Oh." Tom says calmer and takes out the bottle.

"Tch, Classic Stupid Tom. It was in plain sight." Tord commented.

Tom huffs in annoyance as he opens the bottle. He went to the table and sat down.

"Y'know, drinking this can kill you right?" Tord asks as he watched the brit chug the bottle.

Tom slammed the bottle on the table.
"You think I care?"
"Thomas! You're addicted to this shit."
"So?! You're addicted to your gross porn and cigars!"

"One, it's called Hentai. And two, I'm not addicted-"
"–Bullshit Commie. How much have you've smoked today?"

Tord drummed his fingers in thought for a moment.

Tom scoffed.
"You're lying."
"No, I'm not."
"Yeah, yeah you are."

Tord rolled his eyes.

"Show me the pack."Tom demanded.

Which caused Tord to look at Tom.
"Excuse me?"

"Show. Me. The. Pack. Commie."
Tord groaned in annoyance and pulled out the little box of cigars.

He'd open it to reveal half of them were gone.

Tom's face turned concerned.
"You smoked half of the entire pack today?!"

"Alright! You caught me..and?"
"Dude! That's not healthy."
"And...? Drinking isn't healthy either."
"This is my only bottle today! And it's the MORNING!"

"I woke up at 6."
"And smoked?!'
"Pretty much."

Tom sighs. He placed his hand on top of Tord's.

"No more today, got me?."
"You're not my dad-"
"–Don't. Don't be stubborn to me. That's it for today."

Tom says sternly and yanks the pack out of the Norwegians grasp.

"OI! I NEED THOSE!" Tord shouted as Tom stood up. Putting them in his blue hoodie pocket.

"You don't need them, you want them." Tom spat as he left the kitchen.
The short norweigan following.

"Tom! Give it back!"
Tom says as he had his back facing the norsk. Standing still.

Tord clenched his teeth together. His fists balling up.

"I need them!"
Which caused Tom to turn around and pin the Norwegian to the closest wall.

Tom narrowing his 'eyes.'

"Shut up! Okay. You're addicted. It's plain obvious! You can't even go around without thinking about smoking a blunt!"
Tord fell silent. Tears filling up his eyes.
"Do you want to die from lung cancer or some shit?! I'm trying to keep you alive! Are you that fucking dumb?!"
Tom continued to shout in Tords face.

A tear rolled down Tords face. Which caused Tom to fall silent.
Both of them looking at each other in silence.

The air was tensed.
Tom sighed.

"I care about you." Tom whispered. He'd then wipe Tords tears away.
"Yeah we may fight all the time, but I hate that. I hate it Tord. I hate fighting with you."

Tom says softly as he pressed his forehead softly against Tords.

There faces inches close.
Tord felt his face start to heat up.

"Shut up. Just, listen.."

"I hate fighting. It hurts me Tord. Now I know it's not just you who starts the fights. But still. Just shouting you, it breaks me apart. You deserve better. I'm sorry."

Tom felt himself tear up. A tear going down his face.
Tord widened his eyes.

"Oh Tom.. it's okay-"
"–No! It breaks my heart seeing you get bruised and bloody because of how extreme are fights get! And just shouting at you. I can see that it hurts you. So you smoke more and more.. and one day it's gonna fucking kill you."

Tom let out a sob as he unpinned the Norwegian. But instead hugged him.

"I don't wanna loose you.."
Tom mumbled as he continued to cry. He hid his face in Tords shoulder.

Tord rubbed the brits back.
"You won't loose me, min kjærlighet."

Tom lifted his head. His 'eyes' puffy and red from crying.

Tord mumbles as he wiped Tom's tears.

Tom sniffled for a moment. Before leaning in.

He couldn't control himself.
He softly pressed his lips against the norweigans.

Tord was shocked for a moment. A bright red blush going across his face.
He slowly kissed back.

Tom then pulled away.

Both of them looking at each other with love and sorrow.

"I love you.."
Tom mumbled out as he pressed his forehead against Tords again.

"I love you too.."

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