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Tom couldn't sleep. He slowly looked over to the green digital clock on his night stand. 3:40AM.

He groaned, more frustrated. Slamming his face into the soft  fabric of his pillow. He sighed.
So much was on his mind.

But most of all, Tord.
He blushed lightly at the thoughts he's gotten.

'His smile..
His eyes are so pretty..
His curvy body..
His soft lips..'

Tom felt his face heat up as he grabbed his pillow, he slammed it over his face. "STOPPP!" He'd accidentally shout. But it was slightly muffled because of the pillow being there.

Tord woken up to a slight shouting noise. He sat up quickly, startled. It came from the bedroom next door to him, Tom's room.

Tord rubbed his eyes from being awoken. He felt drowsy. Sleepy.

He rubbed his head as got out of the warm blankets.
He shivered when the cold air touched his exposed legs.

He pulled his pastel blue shorts a bit down to try to cover his legs up but there was no use. He rubbed his exposed arms as well. He wore a white tanktop as well.

It was very cold in his bedroom.
Tord walked over to his bedroom door and opened it.
Hearing Tom toss and turn from the other room.

His fuzzy socked feet touched the hardwood floors as he walked a bit and head to Tom's room.

He knocked softly at the door.

Tom moved the pillow off his face to prevent him from screaming into it. His face was slightly red. Tears dampened the pillow sheet.

The Brit turned his head when he heard the knock at his bedroom door.

'Who would be up so late?' Tom thought as he walked over to his door.
He slowly opened it and he froze up.

There, in front of him was his crush.
Tom's heart quickened it's pace as he looked at Tord lovingly.

"Hallo? Earth to Tom..!" Tord whispered as he waved his hand in front of the tallers face.
Tom shakes his head and blinked.

"Sorry. Now, what do you want commie?" Tom asks, bluntly.

Tord frowned a bit and furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you okay?"
He asked softly.

Toms eyes when white for a moment before returning to their usual black.

"Yes, commie. I'm fine."
Tord shakes his head and walked into Tom's room. He shut the door behind himself and walked up to the taller.

He looked up at Tom. "I heard you screaming." He replied to the Brit.

Tom pinched the bridge of his nose. His heart ached. He hated when he had to be rude to Tord. But he didn't know how else to hide his feelings.

"Oh shut the fuck commie..i know you don't care, you're just in here to bother me." Tom spat and crossed his arms.

Tord felt his heart ache. He sighed but hid his emotions with a smile. "Fine, i will leave you alone then." He'd turn around. His back facing Tom as he started to walk to the bedroom door.

Tom suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He didn't want Tord to leave either. He couldn't control his emotions any longer as he grabbed onto Tords hand.

"Wait..!" Tom slightly raised his voice a bit, which startled Tord.

Tord hated loud noises, especially shouting. Yet Tom didn't know. His back still faced Tom as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Tord..?" Tom says softer as he watched Tord turn around and faced the Brit.

Tom felt his heart shatter. He didn't mean to make his crush cry.

Tord has tears in his eyes, some were rolling down his face.

"I-i.." Tom began but Tord placed his pointer finger on Tom's lips.

"Please don't shout." Tord whispered.
Tom fell quiet.

"It scared me." Tord continued as he sniffled.
Tom lowered his head in guilt as Tord laid his head onto Tom's chest. He wrapped his arms around the taller. Standing on his tippy toes.

"It's okay, you didn't know.." tord mumbled.

Tom looked down at the norsk and moved his hands up and hugged Tord back.

They both hugged for a moment before Tord moved away.

"I'm sorry for bothering you." Tord says numbly.
"–N-no, don't leave.." Tom says again, but his voice cracked.

Tears swelled up into Tom's 'eyes.' Tord noticed and frowned. He hugged Tom again.

"I thought you hated me?.."
"No..that's all an act, I don't hate you."

"When what is it?.."

Then they both fell silent. Tom sighed as he felt more calmer. He held Tord's hand as he walked the shorter and petite male to the bed.

They both sat on it.

Tom took a deep breath and looked at Tord.
He stared at the heterochromic eyes that the Norwegian has.

He blushed. They were so unique and amazing to look at.


Tom held onto Tords soft hands. He brushed his thumb up against them as well.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, so much. In truth, I did that so i can hide how i truly feel about you. Tord, I love you so much and i know you won't love me back, you hate me. I know you do..but I can't get you off my mind!
Fuck! I love you so much that it's hurting me..! I just want you to be mine!"

Tom broke into tears and covered his face. He cried. Blush was covering his face.

Tord felt his heart ache when he saw Tom cry. He hugged the taller close and nuzzled his face into the crook of tom's neck.

"Hey Tommy?.."

Tom's sobs soon quieted down.


"I love you too."

𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓣𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼♡Where stories live. Discover now