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(age regression, sfw, fluff.)

Tord hugged onto his small red teddy bear that he has. He was curled up happily in his red themed blankets on the couch. But sometimes, he felt lonely. Nobody knew Tord was a little. Hell, they probably wouldn't expect it.

Not even Tords friends know, especially his crush and enemy Tom.

Tord was deep into little space. He knew Edd and Matt left for a road trip. But he wasn't sure if Tom left with them.

His mental thoughts were silenced when he heard Tom come down the stairs.

He tensed up and hid his stuffed bear under neath the blanket. But no matter what, he couldn't get out of this head space.

He decided to stay quiet as he watched Tom sit next to him onto the sofa. He turned on the television and started blankly watching TV.

Some minutes go by, and Tord noticed the show; 'the cats' come on.

"Kitty!" Tord beamed childishly. But soon bit his lip to silence himself. Tom turned his head and chuckled a bit. "Yeah, commie. They're cats. What are you, 5?"

Tord felt overly sensitive when he is in little space. So he decided to stay quiet. Tom shrugged and turned his head to face the TV.

"Ignoring me? Fucking hell. But whatever suits your boat." Tom says bluntly. Suddenly a black furry cat appeared onto the screen. It meowed happily.

"Aww! Such a cute kitty kitty!" Tord beams again. But mentally slapped himself. He fell silent again. Tom grabbed the remote and paused the show.

"Okay, what is going on with you? You don't usually act like this." Tom says suspiciously as he narrowed his 'eyes' at the norsk.

Tord felt intimidated. He felt his eyes water. "Talk commie, fucking hell." Tom spat as he crossed his arms.

Tord whimpered as he got up. He grabbed his stuffed bear and dashed up the stairs. Tom was now confused.

He ran into his bedroom and shuts the door. Tears rolling down his face as he hugged the teddy bear close to himself. "I made Tommy angy wif me.." Tord whimpered out to himself as he laid into his bed. Silently crying as he hugged his stuffed bear.

He shivered, knowing he left his warm blankets downstairs on the couch.
Tom on the other hand folded the blankets and started to carry them upstairs.

He went over to Tords bedroom and knocked softly onto the door. "Tord?" He says as he turns the knob.

Tord tensed up as he shivered. His tears eyes look over at Toms voids. "Huh?.." "You left your blankets downstairs." Tom says much more calmer as he went over.

He started to tuck Tord in with the soft blankets. Tord blushed a little as his hand wiped his tears away. Tom takes a deep breath as he sat on the bed. His hand went to Tords back and started to rub it comfortably.

"Please explain to me what's going on. I just want to understand." Tom says with care and concern. Tord felt hot tears roll down his face as he bravely explained.

"I-i..am a little. Uh.. it's a coping mechanism called a-age regression.. sometimes I w-will go into the head space between the ages o-of.. 3 t-through.. 12 years o-old. It's w-weird I know.." Tord mumbled as he lowered his head. He started to cry.

Tom wiped Tords tears away. "Are you, in this space right now?.. I've heard of this before. But personally I don't use it for a coping mechanism, but if this is yours, I won't judge it. I'm sorry."

Tord nodded as he sniffled. "Sit up, Love." Tom whispered which caused Tord to slowly sit up.

Tom picked up Tord and placed him onto his lap. He laid the norwegian's head down. Tom rubbed the back of Tord's head. "Do you have a.. caregiver of some sorts?"

Tord shakes his head. A soft blush rested on his face. "N-no Tommy.." He replied as he hugged his stuffed red bear close. Tom leaned his head down and kissed the top of Tords head.

"Do you want one?" Tom asks as a smile started to form on his lips. Tord quickly lifted his head. His eyes lightening up as he grinned happily. "Yes! Yes! Pwease!" Tom laughed. "Then I can be your caregiver platonically."

Tord felt his heart ache. He shakes his head, Tom felt confused as he tilted his head. "what?"

"Uhm.." Tord whimpered as he shyly looked down. He mumbled as he started to cry again. "I have fallen in love with you also.. Tommy."

Tom felt his face turn red. "S-so, romantically?" Tord nodded. "S-so, you can be my caregiver and lover.. lover when i-im out of little space and..caregiver when I am in little space.. i-if that's okay! I-if not, i-i understand..!"

Tom laughed softly. He leaned in and kissed Tords lips. "It's okay, I love you too. Calm down Little One." He whispered as he wiped Tords tears away.

Tord felt himself relax and Tom laid back, holding the smaller male in his arms.

He leaned up and kissed Tom's lips before laying his head back down onto Tom's chest. He fell asleep. Tom chuckled softly as he shut off the bedroom light.

Seeing the glowing stars that were placed onto Tords ceiling. He covered himself and Tord up with the red themed blankets as he held the norwegian close.

"I love you, baby."
"I love you too, Daddy."

Tord says softly as he imediantly fell back asleep. Tom blushed as he held his little close.

Happy, warm, and safe.

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