27- highschool au

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tom slumped into his desk. today was monday. he hated school and he most importantly hated mondays. he takes out the stuff he needs for his class. and slowly sat himself up. he yawned. he watched as students flooded into the class. rolling his 'eyes' he groaned. 

the bell suddenly rang. indicating that class has started. "good morning class! today we have a new student." tom mentally smacked himself. 'great another person i have to deal with.' he thought as he watched a boy enter the room. he blushed. his heart started to race as he looked at the front of the room.

"this is tord. he came all the way from norway. he doesn't know english very well so please be nice to him." the teacher explained. "tord, you can sit next to tom over there. tom please raise your hand." 

tom blinked out of his trance he was in and raised his hand. tord walked over and sat in the desk next to tom. tom looked over and made eyecontact. "hi." tom whispered.

tord smiled. "hallo there." he whispered back. tom blushed again. "i-i like your accent." "oh? thanks." both of them chuckled quietly.

- - - 

a few weeks passed. they are pretty good friends now. today was friday. tom was sitting in his last class period for the day. he drummed his pencil on the desk as he looked out the window. he noticed tord was outside. he was leaning against the red brick wall and smoking a cigarette. 

tom dropped his pencil accidently. he leaned down to pick it up, but when he sat up. he noticed tord was not there anymore. and the cigarette butt was smashed into the sidewalk. furrowing his eyebrows. he looked over at the clock.

class was almost over, there was 5 mins left. tom heard his phone buzz. thank god it was on silent or it would of been taken away from him. he takes it out and looked at the text message.

"tord: meet me at the brick wall. i have to say something to you."

tom read as he quickly typed an 'ok'. soon enough, the bell rang. tom quickly stuffed his school supplies in his checkered bag and ran out. he ran out of the school and panted. he walked over to the brick wall. 

he noticed tord was back. he was leaning against it. tom smirked. "okay what's up?" tom asked and looked at tord.

tord started to blush. "s-so..we have been the best friends in such a while.." he said, his english was still not as good. tom nodded. understanding what the norsk was saying.

"uh.." tord lowered his head. "how do i say this to you..? hm.." 

tom furrowed his eyebrows. "what is it tord?" he asked. tord lifted his head. "i think..i love you. right? that's..what i been feeling for you for...a while, yes."

tom felt himself blush. "y-you love me?" tord nodded. "i do. if you do not, it is fine. i do understand why. i mean.. i am not the good looking one, like ladies are. heh. they are pretty. but, i don't like any girl this time. i like a boy, that boy is you thomas."

the brit giggled at how tord was starting to ramble. it made his heart melt. "oh tord..." he trailed off and pinned the small norwegian gently against the wall.

tord squeaked. which caused tom to smile. "i do love you."

tord's eyes widen. "you do?.." "yes, yes i do." tom replied with a chuckle. he leaned in and kissed tords lips. tord returned the kiss happily. they both kissed softly for a moment before pulling away.

"yes.. i figure this out by now. you do love me." tord mumbled shyly as tom unpinned the norsk. he nodded. "i do, now want me to walk you home?" tom asked. tord nodded. "sure."

the two held hands as they started to walk together.

enjoying their presences with eachother.

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