
545 10 3

(slight smut warning!!!)

Tord looked outside from the window pane. It was currently raining. His soft gaze watched the rain droplets fall from the window pane.

"Tommy, do you like the rain?" The norwegian asks. He propped his arms up and rested his chin on his palms.

Tom was sitting at the kitchen table. Looking at the norsk with love.

"Yeah, I suppose. But it can get you sick."

Tord shrugged. "Don't be negative about it, it's just a simple question."
Tom scoffed. "I'm not."

"Okay, whatever." Tord rolled his eyes as he stared at the grey stormy clouds.

Tom eyed the norwegian lovingly. He chewed on his lip for a moment.


Tord turned his head when he heard his name being called. "Yeah?"

Tom felt his heart beat increase as he drummed his fingers in the kitchen table. "Can you come over here?"

Tord shrugged and got up from where he was sitting. He walked over to Tom.

Tom watched as he leaned back in the wooden chair he sat in.

Tom's hands rested on Tords hips. Tord blushed.

"W-whats up Tom?"

Tom exhaled calmly as he looked up at Tord. A grin slowly tugging on his lips.

"Come sit here."

Tord blinked. "Here?"
Tom nodded and moved one of his hands off of Tord's hips, patting his lap.


Tord gasped softly. He felt his face heat up as he shyly nodded. He sat in Tom's lap.

Tom grunted slightly as he snaked his arms around Tords waist once again.

"Mhm!" Tord beamed happily and hid his face into the crook of Tom's neck.

Tom slowly moved his hands up and down on the red hooded males hips.

"You're so small." Tom whispered with a chuckle.
"Oh hush. I am not."
"Are too."

Tord pouted as he kept his face hidden in Tom's neck. He smirked.

He started to kiss Tom's neck. Leaving small yet soft loving kisses.

Tom blushed as he gripped the others hips slightly.

"W-what are you doing commie?"
Tom stuttered out.

Tord moved his head and looked up at Tom.

"O-oh im sorry..i-i can sto-"
Tom interrupted as he leaned his head down. He nuzzled Tords neck for a moment before starting to leave soft kisses on it.

Tord shuddered. "H-hey! I-i was d-doin-..ah..~"

Tom turned red. "That was such an amazing sound..~ I wanna hear it again..~"

Tord squeaked when he felt Tom's teeth gently sink into the norweigans neck.

"A-ah!~" Tord moaned out in surprise. He gripped onto the Brits shoulders as he panted lightly.

Tom slowly moved away and grinned when he saw the mark.

"Perfect. Looks lovely on you."

Tom says, dominance in his tone.

"I-it looks lovely?.."
Tord softly whispered.

"Yes of course my love. Because these marks only belong on your skin from me, nobody else. You're mine." Tom says possessively as he hugged Tord close. Playing with his hair.

Tord leaned into Tom's touch and hugged Tom back.

"Yours forever." Tord whispered.


𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓣𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼♡Where stories live. Discover now