22- i can't distract myself from you.

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tom drums his fingers on the coffee table. he was completely bored out of his mind. ever since tord came back, tom felt different. everytime he hears tords laugh, it makes his heart race. sometimes he will even blush at the thought of the norwegian. with a sigh leaving his lips, he decided he needed to drink to try and distract himself from his thoughts. 

heading towards the kitchen, their stood the distraction himself. tord. tom mentally smacked himself. he had a blank expression on his face. "can you move, commie? i'm trying to get to the fridge." tord clicked his tongue for a moment before shaking his head. "no, i think you had enough drinking for today." "wh- i didn't even touch a bottle!" tom raised his voice in reply. tord shakes his head and crosses his arms. "yes you did." "okay, when commie." 

tord tapped his foot on the kitchen floor as he thought for a moment. "six in the morning. you were awake. i saw you." tom's 'eyes' went white in shock as he scoffed. "how-how do you know that?!" this caused the norwegian to chuckle at tom's reaction. "simple. i heard your dummy ass self getting your oh-so precious smirnoff. you were being so loud about it. i was sitting on the sofa reading my hentai." tom gagged as he huffed. "don't understand why you're even into that." tord raised an eyebrow. "nevermind about that right now. you don't need the alcohol tom." tom sighed heavily. "yes i do." "why." tord says as he gets close to tom.

tom felt his face heat up. a red blush went across his face as he tried to step back. but tord wrapped his arms around toms waist. "it's a distraction, isn't it?" tom was going to speak but tord continued. "ahh, so it is. you're easy to figure out tom. now, what are you distracting yourself from? or more of a, who?" tord questioned. a smirk rising up to his face.

tom couldn't take tord's taunting much longer. it was annoying him, and in fact made him flustered. he raised an eyebrow and stood tall. easily towering over the small norwegian. tord looked up. tom tilted his head. "how about i, do the talking? yeah. i'll answer your bratty self." tom retorted back as a smirk tugged on his lips. tord yelped in surprise when he was pinned to the kitchen counter.

tom leaned down, his face just inches away from tord's lips. "i was going to distract myself from you...but, i guess drinking isn't going to solve this situation." tord felt his face heat up. his face slowly turning red. "m-me? why m-me?" tord shyly stuttered out. now intimidated by the taller. tom chuckled softly. "i couldn't help it. i fell for you tord, even if we are enemies.." tom admitted. his face a light pink. tord went wide eyed as he stared up at tom. "y-you..?" tom nodded. "not repeating myself commie."

tord's face turned as red as a tomato. (TOMato. heehee.)

tom leaned down as he looked at tord's lips. "hey commie..?" he says softly. his breath tickling tord's lips. tord cleared his throat as he stuttered out. "y-yes..jehovah?" 

"may i...?" tom trailed out. tord looked away with his eyes as he shyly nodded. tom smiled at this and leaned in. kissing the norsk softly. tord's eyes imediantly looked back at tom. tom's 'eyes' were closed though. tord slowly relaxed and closed his eyes, kissing the brit back softly.

they slowly pulled away as tom placed his forehead against tord's. "i love you tord. i understand if you just kissed me back out of guilt.." 

tord giggled which caused tom to be confused. "oh tom, i didn't kiss back because of that.. i kissed back because i love you too silly." tom blushed which caused tord to laugh. tom smiled a little as his heart fluttered. hearing tord's laugh. 

tom brought his arms up and hugged the short norwegian. tord returned the hug back happily. 

"I love you commie."

"i love you too, jehovah."

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