32- Future.

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Tord looked at his robotic hand. He watched as he moved his fingers. Soothing tapping the wooden desk. The man groaned softly.

He wasn't sure why he felt this way. It wasn't exactly a good feeling. Yes, he was proud of his world domination accomplishments, but something felt off.

Then it hit him. He needed to see his love. How could he have forgotten? He shoved Tom in a cell days ago. He wasn't sure why he would've done such a thing.

Standing up from his chair. The short leader left his office. Scattered paperwork across his desk as the large wooden door was closed behind him.

As he walked however, he always got saluted. He shoved his hands into his uniform pocket. Yet kept his head held high.

He turned to the left, and their he went down a flight of stairs. That lead to the dungeon area.

A grin spreads across his face as he reached to Tom's cell. "Hi." He greeted. In which Tom lifted his head.

The Brit looked tired, yet happy. He was happy to see the love of his life again. "Hi dear." Tom replied. A small smile resting on his lips as he reached through the bars for Tord.

Tords cold robotic hand held onto Tom's fleshed hand. The digital goggles Tom wore blinked, as they turned into little hearts for a moment.

"I have forgotten that I have placed you in here..I'm so sorry." Tord apologized. Tom only shakes his head. "Hey, it's alright. It was to hide me from Edd and Matt. I understand."

Tord stood up. He walked over to a scanner and placed his robotic hand onto it. It scanned for a few seconds before the door opened.

The cell door slowly opened as Tom rises to his feet. He went over and happily hugged the short communist leader.

"Hi!" Tom says much happier than before. Tord returned the hug and nuzzled Tom's neck. "Hi min kjærlighet." He says with a small giggle leaving his lips.

The two left the dungeon and went to their shared bedroom they had that was connected to the office.

Laying in the bed together. Tord looked at Tom dreamingly. His red eye expressing love and obsession while the other one was covered by the eyepatch.

Tom slowly moved his hand up and started to feel the right side of Tord's face. The scars felt leathery and torn. It was an odd texture. But alas Tom didn't care.

Tord however did care. He turned his head. His red eye looking outside. Seeing snow outside and soldiers training outside.

The second in command frowned. "Hey, are you okay?.." he asked softly to his leader. In which he got a reply if a simple nod from the norsk.

"Hon, you don't seem okay.." Tom pushed further as he used his hand to have Tord face him.

"I hate the way I look." Tord says numbly. Tom felt a pain in his chest. The guilt from that haunted day.

"I'm sorry.." Tom imediantly apologized but Tord shakes his head. "No. It's my fault. I put this on my self."

"But Tord-" "–No, no Thomas. Don't. I know it's my fault. But do I care? No, I do not care anymore." Tord replied. His accent slurring a bit. Yet Tom still understood what the norwegian was saying.

Tom leaned in and kissed the scarred part of Tord's face. "Let me see your other eye love.." Tom whispered.

Tord went wide eyed. "What?! No! Why would I even sho-" but he was silenced by a kiss on the lips. He returned the kiss to the Brit as Tom slowly pulled away. "please. For me?" Tom asks softly.

"Oh, ..oh alright.." Tord hesitantly mumbled. He takes off his eyepatch to reveal the grey, clouded, lifeless eye.

Tom smiled. Which caused Tord to furrow his eyebrows. "What?" He asked.

"You're handsome.." Tom complimented. Eyeing Tord lovingly with his digital eyes. Tord blushed. "No, min kjære.. you're just saying that."

Tom shakes his head. "No, really. You're handsome.. your eyes are so, magnificent. So, charming." He complimented again and leaned in.

Tom kissed Tord. Tord returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around Tom's neck. Tom's hands traveled down to Tords waist and held onto his hips.

They kissed for a moment before pulling away.

"Now, let's head back to work." Tord replied and got up from the bed. Tom following along to the office.

Tom sat in Tords office chair first which caused the norwegian to have a confused expression on his face.

"Come here, Red Leader..~" Tom says with a smirk. He gently pats his lap while eyeing Tord.

Tord felt his face heat up as he went over. He sat on Tom's lap as he sighed. He felt his shoulders relax as he opened up the folder he needed to work on.

While sitting on Tom's lap, Tord began his work. Tom leaving small kisses on Tords jawline, face, and neck as he works.

"I love you." Tom whispered as he watched Tord sign his signature.

"I love you too, Thomas." Tord replied.

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