7- the end tord

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(not the end of the book, this is based after 'the end' in an eddsworld episode. )

Sounds of crying can be heard in a alleyway.

He was currently living in this alleyway. He was homeless. He betrayed his friends. He knew no way they will forgive him from what he has done.

He curled up with an old towel around him. He shivered. The rain continued to pour harshly. Puddles were everywhere around the norwegian.

He let out a sob. His arm stung. It was still bleeding. Same with the right side of his face.

The pain was infuriating. Extremely painful. He knew his arm and face was properly infected but he couldn't do anything.

He lowered his head in shame as rain fell on top of his head. He didn't know what else to do. The only thing he thought about doing is dwelling in his self pity and guilt for his foolish actions of betrayal.

He heard someone humming. Which perked his interest. It was late at night. He knew nobody is usually out.

Not knowing exactly the time, he could guess it was about 2AM perhaps. Maybe earlier than what Tord thinks.

He heard footsteps approaching the alleyway. But he tried to ignore it. Thinking it was just another homeless person like himself looking for somewhere to go for the night.

But alas that was incorrect. Tord slowly lifted his head and saw a oh-so familiar Brit.

A blue hoodie, brown spikey hair.


Tord tensed up. He slowly looked over and noticed Tom was approaching his way.

Humming to himself with a flask In his hand.
Tord teared up.

He didn't want Tom to find him. He was the one who hurt Tord anyways.
Tord felt heartbroken. He didn't want to do this red army mission, but he did it anyways.

But as soon as he finished the mission. He left his army. He couldn't bare with the guilt and saw himself as a weak leader.

So he let his father's; Pau and Pat take lead in the meantime.

Tord curled up closer to the wall as tom approached Tord completely.

"Tord..?" Tom whispered out as he knelt down to the injured Norwegian.
Tord tensed up. He looked up at Tom with tears in his eyes.

His whole right side was disturbing. Very infected.

Tom frowned at this. He felt guilt also stab into his heart.

"Let me help." Tom says softly as he held his hand out. He knew he shouldn't trust the communist instantly, but he was listening to his heart - not his head.

Tord hesitantly nodded and extended his left hand.

He grabbed onto Tom's hand as tom assisted him by standing him upwards.
Tords legs wobbled as he suddenly felt light headed.

"Tom..I'm dizzy.."
"You need me to carry you?"
"N-no..! I can walk."

Tom shakes his head, knowing well by Tords injuries he could pass out from blood loss. He put his flask in his hoodie pocket.

Tom bent down slightly and picked up the norsk.
Tord yelped in surprise and in pain.

"Oh sorry!" Tom exclaims as he carefully held Tord.

"It's okay Jehovah.. just be fucking careful."
"Don't sass me, commie."
"..right, sorry."

Tom chuckled softly as he carried Tord cautiously.
He kept Tords right side hidden.
Blood seeped onto the blue fabric of his hoodie but he didn't care.

𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓣𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼♡Where stories live. Discover now