8- femboy!?

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it was quiet in Edd's house. Edd and Matt went grocery shopping.

Tom sat on the couch. He currently was watching 'the cats' on the television.

As for Tord, he was upstairs. He currently got a recent package from Amazon of an outfit he really liked.
In fact, he wanted to wear it in front of Tom.

He blushed. And shakes his head. He knew he has a crush on the Brit.

Tord slowly opened the package and grinned happily about what was inside.
Inside of the package was a white pleaded skirt, a pink cropped sweater, and a choker with a heart on it and platform shoes.

He squealed with a small giggle. He started to get dressed into the outfit. Once finished he turned red.

Today was the day he was going to confess to Tom.

He exhaled nervously as he left his bedroom. He slowly walked down the stairs.

Tom heard footsteps approaching and huffed. Assuming Tord was ready to start an argument.
But recently they haven't had any arguments, which surprised him.

That's the reason why Edd left the two, because of how their behaviors have changed and they're getting a long.

Tom slowly turned his head. He froze. His face turned red in surprise to see what Tord was wearing.

"T-Tord?!" Tom exclaimed in surprise.
Tord looked down shyly as he walked over to the couch.

"H-hey.." Tord muttered out as he gripped the ends of the skirt.
Tom eyed Tords outfit and slowly grinned. Much calmer.

"I love your outfit..~" Tom whispers as he continued to eyed Tord.
Tord lifted his head and looked up at Tom.

He blushed a little pink.
"T-thank you, T-tom."
he stuttered out.

Tom grinned as he extended his hands. He wrapped his arms around Tords waist.

"Didn't know you were a femboy..~"
Tord went wide eyed and blushed.

"W-well..I-i kind of hid it from everyone..cause I thought I would be judged, especially by you."

Tom frowned at this.
"Oh Tord, I won't judge you for what you wear, as long as you're happy with the clothes you have. Then that's all that matters."

Tom says softly as he looked at Tord lovingly.
Tord slowly smiled and got closer to Tom.

Tom smirked and pats his lap.
"Come take a seat, Tordy."

Tord grinned at this and slowly sat on Tom's lap.
Tom hummed in approval and wrapped his arms around Tords waist.

Tord giggled as Tom leaned in.

They both pressed their foreheads together.
Blush roses to both of their faces.

"I love you." Tord blurted out. He covered his face with his hands. Tears started to build up in his eyes.
He felt embarrassed.

Tom smiled at this, he slowly uncovered Tords face and leaned in. He gently pressed his lips against the norweigans.

"I love you too, my little femboy. ♡"

𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓣𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼♡Where stories live. Discover now