19- Dreams pt 2

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Tom looked at Tord. "Y-you want to make this dream i had.. real? actually?" Tom stuttered out. He was shocked. He didn't know if this was actually true. Or just a little plan Tord had. Tord nodded. "yeah, i actually would love too." The norwegian whispered. Tom's cheeks burned with blush. "O-oh if you're actually serious."

"Of course!" Tord beamed. "Lets do it now, at night. It's better that way. Then we don't have to deal with Edd or Matt." Tom nodded. "Okay commie.." he replied. Still unsure if he was actually speaking the truth or not. Tord hopped into Tom's arms. Tom yelped in surprise as he held the shorter male. "Okay! Okay!" Tom says with a laugh.

He carried Tord out of the house. The stars twinkled in the sky. Tord laid his head on Tom's chest. "I know where this meadow is.. it's by the icecream shop." Tom says softly as he carried Tord down the street of London.

Tom eventually reached the icecream and walked passed the closed shop. Everything was dark. No lights, not even cars. It was pure silent. Tom loves it. He continued to carry the norwegian and walked to the flowery meadow.

"Okay Commie, we are here.." Tom whispered. Tord tiredly lifted his head. He smiled a bit. And he looked around. "Oh wow..! These flowers are beautiful Tom!" Tord says cheerfully. The flowers were red and blue roses. Tom felt his heart race. His stomach twisted and turned. Full of butterflies. Tord grinned at Tom and hopped out of the brits arms.

He ran into the flowery meadow and sat in it. "Come on! Lets make those flowercrowns!" Tord shouted cheerfully. Tom blushed lightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay! okay." Tom replied with a small laugh.

The two started to make the flowercrowns. Tord made a blue one for Tom. Tom made a red one for Tord. They eventually finished weaving the petals and stems together. Looking at each other lovingly. "Here Tom!" Tord says with a giggle. He placed the blue flowercrown onto Toms head. Tom blushed a bit as he scoffed. "yeah, here is yours." He placed the red flowecrown onto Tords head.

Both of them looked at each other lovingly. Passion. Tord's eyes dialiated with made Tom chuckle. "You look cute with the flowercrown on." Tom complimented as he glanced down at Tords lips. Tord couldn't tell though. Toms eyes are of course, black and voided. "O-oh thank you Tom." He whispered. Both of their faces red. Tom slowly leaned in and kissed Tord. Tord was shocked at first but returned the kiss.

The two kissed as the sun started to rise behind them. They slowly pulled away and held eachother.

Watching the sunrise, together.

𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓣𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼♡Where stories live. Discover now