23-Soft kisses

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It was currently 3AM. Tom was cuddling his lover, Tord. The norwegian was cuddled up to Tom. Laying his head on the Brits chest.

Tom smiled a bit as he rubbed the shorter males back. He sighed in relaxation and warmth from the blankets they had.

"Hiii." Tord says with a giggle. Which caused Tom's smile to get bigger. "Hi, Love." Tords finger drew shapes on Tom's shirtless chest. His eyes were droopy. He felt tired. Tom noticed.

"You should get some rest." Tom commented softly to his boyfriend. Which Tord refused. He leaned his head up and kissed Tom softly.

Tom accepts the kiss and returns it back. His hands rubbing the norski's sides. Tord slowly pulled away and giggled. "I'll be fine, honey."

Tom shakes his head. "No baby, it's late. You need sleep." Which resulted Tord starting to pout. "But-"
"Tord." Tom says a bit stern. Tord yelped and nodded. Putting up the blue hood that Tom gave, He laid his head back down onto Tom's chest.

Nuzzling his lovers chest. He giggled. Tom wrapped his arms around Tord and kissed his head. Then his cheek. Then his lips.

Tord tiredly returned the kiss. Their lips moving in sync for a moment as they pulled away. Tord laid back down. Which caused Tom to smile.

"You're tired, commie."
"Right. Right..sorry, Love."

Tord slowly lifted his gaze up to the black voided eyed Brit. "It's okay. just don't say it again." "Okayy."

Tord closed his eyes as Tom is holding him close as he left soft kisses.

He shifted so Tord laid on his back. Tom sat up as he left small kisses on Tords face, neck, arms, stomach, and thighs. Before laying back down and spooning the smaller male.

Tord kept his eyes closed as a smile formed on his lips. He giggled as he felt each kiss. But once it ended, he calmed down once more. Being the little spoon, he held onto one of Tom's hands.

Tom brushed his thumb against Tords hand as he nuzzled his face into the crook of the Norwegians neck.

"I love you baby."
"I love you too honey."

They fell asleep holding each other.

short oneshot, but I hope you all enjoyed. :))<3

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