20- ❥

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The clock chimes. It was an erie silence. Tord felt lonely in his asylum room.

He lifts his head. A tired and sore gaze in his eyes as he clicked his tongue. His right arm was amputated, completely gone. All his left is a nub. He still wore a straight jacket although.

"Larsin, you have a visitor." A doctor says and then walks away. Allowing a familiar face enter the room.

Tom entered the blank white room. Tord was in a corner. Cowering himself. Tom raised an eyebrow.

"Tord?" He said softly. So he wouldn't fear the hospital patient. Eyes scattered across the room for a moment before landing onto Tom.

"H-hi.." he spoke in a whisper. Knowing well his voice is rasped, his vocal cords damaged from not speaking for so long.

Tom slowly walked over and knelt down in front of norsk.

"How long have you've been in here?"
"Since the incident. I'm sorry." Tord imediantly apologized. He lowered his head in guilt and shame.

Tom frowned a little. He wrapped his arms carefully around the Norwegian. Tord tensed up as hot tears rolled down his face.

"They're going to keep me here, I'm unsure if I'll ever see the outside world again.." He whimpered out. Tom sighed. Feeling the straight jacket straps, he started to untie Tord out of it.

"J-Jehovah?! What the bloody hell are you doing?"
"Commie, shush. Just, let me."
"The doctors will find out!"
"Not if you're not here."

Tord coughed. His voice was extremely hoarse and raspy. Tom hushed Tord and got the straight jacket off.

Tord felt his body relax once he was freed from his restraints. "Thank you, Tom." He whispered. Which caused Tom to smile.

His muscular arms wrapped around the smaller male. Picking up the norwegian.

He looked at the window and walked over to it, sliding it open.

No bars at all were on the window. Not even a screen protector. "Pfft, commie these doctors are stupid aren't they? They didn't even board up the windows. You could've escaped."

Tord pouted. "I tried, but they caught me."  Which resulted in Tom chuckling softly. "Well, let's get out of here. Thank Jehovah you're on the first floor."

Tom laughs softly as he glanced at Tord lovingly before tightening his grip onto Tord.

"Ready to jump?" He asked softly.
"W-well put me down first!-"
"Nah, I think this is better." Tom says and hugs Tord close. Leaping out of the hospital window.

His eyes flashed purple as his monster features appeared. Tord was shocked to see these features. Tom growled a little bit as he dashed away from the asylum.

The two came up to a cave. Tom was full monster. Holding Tord with his sharpened teeth.

They went inside of the cave. Tom gently sat Tord down and the monster features slowly faded.

"We can hide here." Tom breathed out. As he watched Tord lovingly. Tord nodded a little. "How long?"

"Well, until the public stops looking for ya, commie." Tord nodded a little. "No shit."

Tom laughed softly as he nuzzled Tord. Suddenly Tord felt his face heat up a little.

–A few hours go by and it was dark. They can hear police sirens, but they weren't coming close to the cave at all.

The two were cuddling due to how cold the cave has gotten. Tord was wearing Tom's hoodie. It was quite oversized on him.

"Tom?"  Tord asked as he looked up at Tom lovingly. "Yeah?" Tom says as he leaned his head down to look back at the norsk.

"Why did you help me?.. I thought you hated me."  Tord asks as he leaned in a little. His cheeks a bit pink.

Tom's face turned a little red as he sighed. "Because I actually don't, Tord."

Tords eyes widen. "Then why would you treat me like-"
"Whatever, just forget about it, okay?"

Tom laughed softly as he pecked the norwegians lips. Which caused Tords face to turn a bright cherry red.

"T-tom?" He stuttered out, which caused Tom to turn red as well.

"O-oh! Uh.. I'm sorry." Tom quickly apologized as he puts his hands up in defense.

Tord giggled as he held onto Tom's hands. "No, it's okay. I'm not mad or anything.."

"You're, not..m-mad?"
"No, and you wanna know why?"
A smile started to form on Tords lips. His voice sounded more better than it was a few hours ago.

"Why?.." Tom asked suspiciously. Tord leaned in and kissed Tom's lips.

Tom's 'eyes' went white. His entire face turned red but he slowly relaxed. He kissed Tord back and wrapped his arms around him.

Tord slowly pulled away. "I feel the same way." He admitted.

Both of them eyed each other lovingly. Tom giggled as he laid Tords head onto his own chest.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

They both stargazed and cuddled. Falling asleep; holding each other in an loving embrace.

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