29- Our night

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Tom waved Edd and Matt goodbye. He didn't know why the norwegian didn't go with the other brits. But he shrugged it off. "Bye Edd! Bye Matt!" He shouted out the door as he closed it. But he got startled when he noticed Tord was behind him.

"Gah! Fuck. You scared me Tord." Tom says, shocked from seeing the shorter one. Tord clicked his tongue. He leaned down on one of his legs and looked at Tom lovingly. "Well, the reason why i didn't go, is because they're fucking going to a date." He says bluntly.

Tom blinked. "Oh yeah...I forgot about that." Tord started giggling. "How could you forget?! I see them smooching everywhere i go." Tord says while giggling. A goofy grin was on his face for a moment before it faded away.

"Anyway. Commie...Uh, Wanna watch a movie?" Tom asks. Tord shrugged. "Oh i don't see why not." He replied.

- - - 

The two started to watch their movie. Blankets on both of their laps. Tord felt himself getting tired. Tom looked over. "You getting sleepy over there?" Tord grunted. "Pfft, Noo." He denied. But it was blankly obvious that he was getting tired. 

Tom smirked and wrapped his arms around the shorter. Tord squeaked as he subconsiouly laid his head back onto Tom's chest. "okay.. maybe a little bit." 

"Yeah, i can tell. when was the last time you slept, Tord?" Tom asked as he raised one of his eyebrows. His arms tightened a bit as he held Tord close. "Uh, A few days ago." Tord says. Which was true, he has been working on an experiment recently so the norsk hasn't gotten proper sleep.

Tom shuts off the TV. "Well, i'm going to take you to bed." Tord scoffed. "Thomas, i'm not 5 you know that right?!" The brit only laughed and picked up Tord. "HEY! TOM!" He squealed out. But Tom silenced him with a kiss on the lips. 

Tord felt his face get hot as he kissed back instantly. Tom pulled away and smirked. "Well, that made you shut up." Tord huffed and pouted. He laid his head back on Tom's chest. "Take me upstairs.." He muttered.

Tom nodded and started to carry the short small norsk up the stairs. He went to Tord's bedroom and laid Tord down. He tucked him in.

Tord felt his stomach twist with butterflies as his heart fluttered. He looked up at Tom with a warm smile on his face. His cheeks a rosy red. "Thank you..Tom." He mumbled.

"Oh, no problem." Tom replied as he started to leave the room. But Tord whimpered. "Wait..!" Tom turned his head. "What Commie?" 

Tord started to blush as he looked at Tom. "C-can you lay with me..? I don't wanna be alone." Tom felt his face heat up slightly as he went over. He laid down next to Tord with a happy and relaxed sigh. "Okay...." Tom muttered as he wrapped his arms around Tord.

The two fell asleep, cuddling each other.

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