25- Neko Tord!

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Tord was currently hiding himself underneath his blankets. Recently, more like - last night - he made a science experiment. But he messed up some of the chemicals which has now Tord with a cat tail and cat ears. He doesn't know how to cure it. So currently he has been cooping himself inside of his bedroom with the lights off.

Suddenly Tord's door was opened. Tom has entered. "Commie? What are you doing in the dark?" He asks as he turned on the lightswitch. Tord kept hidden under neath the blankets. "By the way..Edd and Matt went shopping. I was forced up here to come check on you." Tom spat out in annoyance as he went over to Tord's bed.

"Commie! Will you stop covering yourself? Or at least..reply to what i'm saying?" Tom scolded and crossed his arms. Tord slipped his hand out of the blanket and flipped Tom off. The brit sighed. "Why are you even under your blankets?" He questioned. Tord whined. "Just go away Jehovah.." He cried out. Tom shakes his head. "No, uncover your head right now please." He says more calmer. 

Frustrated, Tord kept his head underneath the blankets. Tom huffed. "Fine! BE THAT WAY!" Tom shouts as he grabs the blanket and moves it off of Tord. His facial expression turned shocked when he see's Tord's feline features.

"What the...-" Tom can only say. Tord teared up in embarrassment as he grabbed the blanket and wrapped himself with it. "Don't. Question. I fucked up an experiment and some of the chemicals dripped onto me..Now i look like, this." Tord explained. Tom smiled a little. "So, you purr then?" He asked smugly.

"What?- I-" Tord fell silent when he felt Tom's hand go into his hair. Tom started to pet Tord. The norsk blushed as he leaned his touch against Tom's hand. He started to purr happily. Tom felt his face warm up as he continued to pet the norwegian. Tord shuddered when Tom moved his hand away. "Y-you, you can purr."

Tord giggled softly. "Yeah..i guess so, huh Jehovah?" Tom chuckled. "It's cute. Do, you know how to- cure this?" Tord shakes his head as his ears flicked in annoyance. "No, i don't. Which kind of sucks. But, I'll figure something out eventually." Tom brought the short norski into a hug and started to pet Tord's hair again.

He started to purr as his head slowly laid onto Tom's shoulder. His eyes slowly closed as Tom did gentle scratches to Tord's head. "Man, i like you better this way. You aren't an asshole." Tom says with a chuckle. A small hiss left Tord's lips. "I- Sorry." Tom aplogized as he lifts his hand up again.

He started to play and pet Tord's hair. Continuing the little scratches he was doing previously. Tord began to purr as he kept his eyes closed. Tom leaned his head down and pressed a little kiss onto Tord's head.

Tord's cheeks turned a little pink as his tail sways a little bit. Tom kept a hold of the norwegian as he continued to pet Tord. Rubbing his back once in awhile. Tord eventually has fallen asleep. Still purring.

"I love you." Tom whispered as he placed Tord back into his bed. Then he left the bedroom.

Gently closing the door behind himself.

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