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Tord was tossing and turning. He was scared. He teared up when he heard a loud crash of thunder.

"Eep!" He whimpered out. He heard footsteps approaching. Edd knocked on the door. "Hey Tord? I just wanted to let you know Matt and I are going out. We'll be back tomorrow." Edd says softly and then walked away.

Tom already knew about this. He was just sitting on the couch with his flask in his hand.

"Bye Tim!" Matt says as he hugged Edd's arm. They both left as the door was softly closed.

Tom huffed. "They are really going out in a thunderstorm. How dumb could they be." He says bluntly but shrugs. "Hm, their loss."

He gets up when he noticed his flask was getting low. Walking over to the kitchen as he filled his flask back up with some Smirnoff.

A grin rested on his face as he takes a swig from the bottle, then placed the bottle back into the fridge.

"Wonder where commie is.." he wondered out loud.

He started to walk up the stairs as he shoved his flask into his hoodie pocket. The hallway was dark upstairs. Along with the bedrooms.

Tom furrowed his eyebrows as he walked over to Tords door. "commie." He says flatly.

Another crash of thunder roared and Tom heard a familiar norweigan cry. He snorted as he opened Tords bedroom door.

"What's up with you?" He asked bluntly. Tord was hidden underneath his covers. He heard Tom's voice and covered his mouth. Tears rolling down his face.

"Commie, I know you're under the god damn blanket." Tom narrowed his 'eyes'. "C'mon, talk to me."

Another crash of thunder was heard which made Tord jump. His whole body trembling under the covers.

Tom started to feel..bad. He walked over and slowly uncovered Tord.
Tord gasped as he frantically lifted his head.

His eyes full of tears as he frantically cowered himself at the corner of his bed. "W-what?.." Tord says softly. Tom frowned as he sat on the bed next to Tord.

"You're afraid?" Tom asked. Tord lowered his head. "N-no..!" He'd deny but his reaction was all factual that he was scared.

"Commie, I know you're scared. You're literally.. trembling." Tom felt his heart ache. "Come here.." he says more calmer.

Tord looked at Tom with widened eyes. Tom smiled a bit. He wrapped his arms around Tord, slowly pulling him onto his lap.

Tord laid his head onto Tom's chest. Tears continued to roll down his face. The harsh rain poured outside.

"It's okay. The thunderstorm is going to pass.." Tom says softly to help comfort Tord. "Besides, you have the right to be scared..I won't make fun of you for this. C'mon, you're around guns and explosives often, I am not really shocked to see you like this."

Tord wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry.." Tom shakes his head. "No, don't be sorry. It's okay." He leaned down and kissed Tords head.

The red hooded male smiled a bit when he felt the sudden kiss. A warm blush slowly rises to his face.

But his smile soon faded when thunder rumbled. Lightening flashes.
Tord hid his face into Tom's chest and whines.

Tom started to rub Tords back. Tord lifted his head. Tears rolling down his face again.

"Hush..you'll be okay." Tom whispered as he started to kiss Tords tears away.

The more comfort Tord got, the more safer he felt. Eventually, the thunderstorm does pass. And it was 2:00AM.

Tom texted Edd as he continued to hold onto Tord.

Tom; you back? I have to lock the door you know.
Edd: oh we got back around midnight. Sorry we forgot to tell you. I'll go lock it!
Tom; ha. Thanks.

Tom placed his phone back into his pocket and continued to hold Tord. Tords eyes were droopy. He looked very exhausted after panicking for so long.

"You need sleep." Tom admits as he started to play with Tords hair. Tord blinked slowly and nodded in agreement.

"I suppose you're right.." he blinked slowly. Tom leaned his head down and pecked Tords lips.

"I hope I comforted you..did I at least help a little?" Tom asked. Tord nodded. "You calmed me down.." he says tiredly.
Tord closed his eyes. Falling asleep in the Brits arms.

"Glad I could help you Commie.."

𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓣𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼♡Where stories live. Discover now