Chapter 1 Isnt He dreamy?

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Avery Wilson -

I propped my hazel nut hair into a messy bun and tied a red apron around my waist. I paced out of the storage room and out to the front desk. "What took you so long?" a close companion of mine questioned.

"I slept in." I shrugged it off.

"Well, how about you wake up and get working on the orders." she spoke playfully.

I grinned back, "I'm on it Beth."

Today was the busiest it has been in a long time. Orders were handed to us left and right. Beth and I worked in a small coffee shop in Vancouver, Canada, a city in which I was raised and born in. As things were dying down, a familiar figure opened the door, ringing the small bell. My face changed from a stressed, tired eyed look and back into a happy state, "Why hello there." He leaned closer to the counter and stared into my light blue eyes. "I was looking for a beautiful young lady with cocoa-colored hair as well as a beaming smile."

A hint of blush spread across my cheeks making my blood boil. "It's hard to find someone who can meet that expectation." I choked.

"You are able to." He winked.

"Cayden! When did you get here?" Beth joyfully asked, walking in from the storage room. "Can I get you anything?"

He stood up straight, "If you don't mind, I would like my usual please."

"One Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino beverage coming right up."

"Thanks Beth." He looked over my shoulder and then focused his attention back to me, "Are we still on for tonight?"

"So far nothing has made the to-do list after work. There is a good possibility that tonight is still on." I nod.

"Here's your drink sir." Beth cuts in between us.

"Thank you Beth and I'll see you tonight Ave." Cayden winked at me and walked out the door.

"Tonight?" Beth nudged me, "What's going on tonight?"

She gave me a funny-look, "Nothing. Cayden was just taking me out to dinner and then-"

"And then?!"

I gestured my eyes upward in an annoyed look and giggled, "It's silly."

"Tell me! Tell me!"


"Karaoke?! I thought that died a long time ago." Beth gazed in disbelief.

I shrugged, "During our first date, we found out about our interest. Ever since then, I would come over to his house occasionally to have fun singing."

"At least you found someone who shares a similar personality and interests as you."

I smiled looking out the glass window to find Cayden gearing up his motorcycle, "Yeah, I guess I'm pretty lucky."

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