Chapter 5 Hospital Run

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Avery Wilson -

"Please be okay. Please be okay." I muttered to myself, rushing through the hospital wings. I bursted through one of the doors to the left to find Cayden sitting on the side of the hospital bed with a doctor wrapping bandages around his right shoulder. "Cayden!" I sighed in relief. I rushed towards him. "No broken bones or anything?"

"Just a bullet wound but hey, that's what I get for playing nice."

The doctor finished up his job, "I'll leave you two alone to work things out. I will come and check on you in a while."

"Thanks doc." he smiled and turned his face towards me. "Sooo..."

"HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE!!! I WAS SO WORRIED!" I said smacking his good shoulder, I was actually so mad at him! All he did was laugh.

"First off, ow. You smack really hard. Second off, things went smoothly. We got the culprits and I went to the hospital. It's not like I'm dying."

"SmOoThLy! Yeah sure! YOU GOT SHOT!" I said, crossing my arms and giving a big huff.

"In the shoulder. It's not my heart. Look, I can make it up to you and I promise I won't have dinner ditch you again." I looked down and chuckled though I still had that rage burning within me. "There's that smile." Cayden slid off the bed and towered over me. He put his hand around my waist, but I tilted my head to look the other way. " Ave come on, stop it!" He said pulling me closer.

"Cayden, we're in a hospital." I blushed. "We can't be doing this."

"What? I'm not doing anything." He said with a smirk, looking me in the eyes, causing me to blush slightly more.

"You're doing something and you want me to follow pursuit." I tried my best to look away. His hand moved to my chin forcing me to look at him. I giggled and got off the bed. "Cayden I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. I'm still mad at you."

"You're so cute when you're mad." He said, laughing. I shook my head and laughed. I sighed and moved up to him and stood in between his legs as he put his hands on my hips, and I put one hand on his good shoulder and the other hand at the base of his neck.

"Just promise me you'll be saver. okay."

"I promise and to seal that promise I will need... A kiss." he raised an eyebrow waiting for me to respond.

"There will be a good possibility." I leaned in and his mouth came down upon mine.

"Hi Avery.." I heard my DAD'S VOICE. We pulled apart real fast.

"Hey..." I muttered. I needed to play this smart. Cayden probably didn't know that he was my dad and if he found out well... We may or may not go to prison. "Cayden this is-"

"Deadpool. I know but how do you know?"

"Wait, you know him?"

"Yeah. He saved my life in the alleyway before I could get any more bullet wounds in my body." That track, "I uhh, I know him from... from..."

"WAIT?! BACK THE BUS UP! YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER TOO?! THIS IS SUCH A SMALL WORLD! Now I understand the meaning of that saying." My dad exaggerated.

"Why are you here?"

"Ave now you can't get mad, but i tracked your phone and saw you were at the hospital and i thought you were in trouble." he rambled on.

"Oh..." I looked at the floor.

"I guess we need to all introduce each other to each other. I'll go first. Hello. I'm Deadpool. I'm... I know Avery and Cayden I saved in an alleyway. Your turn!" He pointed at us with finger guns.

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