Chapter 17 A Father... AGAIN?!

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Wade -

"When did the kid get so formal? He used to just call me Deadpool."

"Well not going to lie, calling you deadpool is kinda dumb."

"Why?! It's my name that I went by for years after... Nevermind. I just went by it for a long time." My phone started to buzz with a picture of Ave on it.


Do you mind if I call Gracie? I don't have her phone number.

I passed the phone over to Gracie. "It's for you."

"Oh okay, hello?" She said putting the phone to her ear.

"Hey Gracie! So Cayden's in the car but I wanted to call you without him listening. Since we are out, are you sure you don't want me to get you some of those tests?"

"Ummm sure go ahead." She said, looking at me.

"What?" I stared back. I couldn't quite make out the conversation.

"Alright! I'll get you some. Do you want anything else? I can also get you a sandwich from Freddy's."

"No honey, I'm okay, you and Cayden have fun." She said,

"Alrighty! I love you! Bye!"

"Love you too, bye." She put the phone down. "God, I sound like a mom."

"Well, you said something about a maybe kid. Are you feeling well enough for round three?" I smirked.

"Really again? You really need some huh?"

"Hey! I need to get it out of my system. I haven't been around a beautiful girl like you in years!" I whined.

"You are so needy!" I put my arms around her and kissed her lips.

"I know." I smiled.

"You're crazy!" She giggled.

"Ave thinks I'm delusional and I need a therapist." I kiss her forehead slowly.

"Yeah? You're not that crazy."

"Just wait." I kissed her neck multiple times. She whimpered a little. "How's your head doing?" I back off a little but still hold her tight.

"My head is fine." I brush a few strands of hair out of the way.

"You got another scar with another backstory to tell." I smile.

"Oh my scars aren't fun. Well I do have a fun story about this one." SHe said pointing to a small scar under her lip.

"Let's hear that later." I kissed her neck once more.

"Aww you don't want to hear about how i fell on my face in 2nd grade?" I laughed through the kiss.

"You sure do fall a lot." I chuckle.

"Well there's not denying that!" She laughed. I kissed her over and over around her face.

"I love you." I whisper into her ear.

"You do?" She asked, looking me in the eyes. I towered over her as I pushed her to her back. I held her down with my arms and legs so she couldn't escape my grasp.

"Indeed I do."

"I love you too." She whispered back. Gracie somehow was able to flip positions to where she was towering over me. I yanked her down towards my chest and just as I was going to kiss her my phone started to ring.

"Uhhhhh." I got out from under Gracie's body and went to grab my phone.

"What is it with us and getting interrupted!" She huffed.

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