Chapter 16 Awkward

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Avery -

After a couple of hours, Cayden and I walked in the house to see my dad and Gracie sleeping next to one another. "Don't wake them." I whisper as quietly as I can.

"So your dad tells us we can't do it but they can. Interesting."

"Cayden are adults Cayden."

"Plus, he has experience with your mother." Cayden states the obvious and I nod.

"Another, your mom."

"Oh yes." Cayden remembers and shivers out of fear or maybe the cold. I was a little wobbly on my feet from hours of skating so Cayden had to help me to the couch. Then we both heard a deep breath that was taken. We both looked at the bed and saw Gracie in the arms of my dad, she started to sit up. Then she realized they were here.

"Oh hey kids, can you leave for like 2 minutes? I would like to put clothes on."

"Uh sure." Cayden put his arm around me helping me walk down the hall.

"Wade got up." I heard Gracie say softly to my dad.

"Huh? What?" my dad grunts as he helps himself up. "What's wrong?"

"Ave and Cayden are back, put some clothes on please."

"Oh..." it took him a second. "OH CRAP!" My dad puts on his jeans and shirt fast and tosses a hoodie over to Gracie. "Here."

"Thanks, oh and some pants please."

"I doubt you can move. Just lay in bed. The kids understand." Cayden and I giggle as we stand out in the hall.

"Baby, I would like some sweets please."

"Here." he tosses her black sweats.

"Thanks baby." She said as she tried getting up.

"Uh Uh. Kids, you can come back in." Cayden helped me into the room. That's when my dad got worried. "What... Did... You... Do... Cayden..."

"Did yll you know." Gracie's face was surprised.

"HECK NO!" We speak at the same time. "I'm just a little wobbly from ice skating and was having a hard time walking so Cayden's my cane."

"Oh okay, your dad was going to have a great attack."

"No dad, we didn't do anything. I did get a bruise from falling though if you guys want to worry about that." I smile. Cayden helps me to the bed and I lay next to Gracie, "Thanks Cayden." I stare at Gracie. "What's your story?" trying to be funny.

"Huge bee sting." She said smiling. My dad just started out laughing. I cracked a smile and Cayden walked over to the kitchen for a drink. "I know, I know. I'm really funny huh?"

"At least I don't have to make the jokes anymore!" my dad continues to laugh.

"Haha well i'm going to the bathroom really quick." Gracie said getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom.

"She can walk now! What a miracle!" My dad cracks.

"Hey dad, if you don't mind. It's still early, can Gracie and I get some lunch and walk around. If she is well enough." Then we all heard a crash coming from the bathroom.

"Gracie!" We all rush and my dad is the first to open the door. "W-what happened?"

"My head hurts." She said softly.

"Stand up too fast?" Cayden asks. Then Grace moved her hand from her head. It was bleeding.. "Get the first aid and a bowl of water." Cayden started taking orders. He placed a cold wet rag on Gracie's forehead whipping the blood away. "Lay her on the bed."

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