Chapter 27 Things Are Somewhat Normal

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About another month later~

Things were starting to get back to normal. Gracie seemed to carry the love that she felt for our baby with her still, and I knew she was starting to feel better, she said it was God's will and that he was in control and she was okay with that. I, for one, controlled myself through that month pretty well. I wasn't as needy and let Gracie have some space. I didn't want to have sex soon but I wanted to wait till she was up to it when she starts acting like she wants it. I didn't question her about it at all. I was pretty proud of myself.

"Avery, are you ready for school!!" I hear from the kitchen. Oh yeah, another thing. I spent most of my month in bed just in sorrow and screaming into my pillow.

"Yeah mom, I'm ready!" And apparently Ave started calling Gracie mom which was new. I think she felt bad for Super star for sure. She was so excited to be a big sister, and I knew she did see Gracie as a mom. Cayden started up two jobs to earn more money to buy a ring once Avery was out of school. But that meant that she didn't see him that often anymore.

"Good, come and eat.. Oh hi Sam!" SAM?! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?! I push the blankets off of the bed and run to put my DP suit on and I put a robe over it. And when I got out there there was no Sam, Gracie just crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. "Look who's up! You get ready for the day, mister, go take a shower!" I had been tricked into getting up!!

"Sorry." I mopped back into the room, shut the bathroom door, and got out of my DP outfit. The shower was nice.

"Bye, Ave, have a good day at school! Be safe! Wait, do you have the knife I gave you!"

"Yesss i do can I go now?"

"Yes, okay bye love you."

"Bye love you too mom!"

"I'm here!" I rush out of the bathroom door to find no Ave, and no Eddie. Just Gracie.

"Hi hottie!" she smiled.

"Hey." I mope over to the dinner table to eat something. "Sorry it took a bit." I sigh. My sadness stage was almost over but I still felt a little depressed. I looked up and Gracie had changed into a skin tight dress, her hair and makeup were done. "Where are you headed off too?" I asked her while eating some eggs. I didn't think much of it. She sighed and walked over and moved my food. "Hey, I'm eating that!" She rolled her eyes and kissed me. "Thank you for the kiss but can I have some eggs?"

"Well hurry up." She walked into the room and shut the door behind her.

"Thank you!" I start eating my eggs and toast and walk into the bedroom. "What's up with you today?" I look up and she's on the bed out of her skin tight dress and in some scandalous outfit. My heart started to beat. I don't think I was as good as I was a month ago but if she wanted it, so I'll try and deliver. "So are there rules for this one?"

"No, I just... want things to go back to normal." She got off the bed and walked over to me, kissing my lips.

"I'm not sure I'm as good as I was a month ago." I rub my neck and my face starts to turn red.

"So soft sex it is.." She said kissing me more.

"I mean I can try to do better." I say in between the kisses. "What do you want?"

"Shut up and kiss me please." my hands glided down her back down to her bottom, and i just left them there. "Im really, really, needy right now, and don't worry about anything, I'm on birth control right now."

"Uhuh." I didn't really hear what she said but I agreed, so I continued to kiss her. We were so deep in the kiss that I lost my footing and we fell over together, onto the bed.

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