Chapter 24 I Forgot My Ice Cream

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It was around four in the morning when I woke up. "I didn't eat my ice cream," I whisper, not trying to wake Gracie. Her body was cuddling up against mine, her head was on my chest and her arm was draped across my torso, she was out cold. I must have gone hard last night. I lift my arm around her small body. I slowly got up and went for a shower. I should take a fast one just in case she walks up and tries to walk. Once I finish, I wrap the towel around my waist and sit down on the bed lightly. I grab my phone to see that I missed a couple of calls and texts from Avery. They were talking about them being home and that they would try not to disturb us. I smiled and set it back down. I pulled the covers over Gracie just in case she was cold. I mean, she was naked so she could have been cold. Superstar felt that all went down. Poor thing. I realized with my eyes wide open and turned my direction back to her stomach. "Sorry," I whisper. I went over to the closest and looked for some shorts and underwear. I found some black silky basketball shorts that I put on over my underwear and left my chest bare. I slid quietly into bed, hoping I didn't wake Gracie. I pulled her slowly over towards me when her body started to shake a bit.

"Wade?" she whispers.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

"You're fine." She puts her arms around my waist.

"How are you feelin?" I ask her.

"Tired." She said laying her head on my chest. I place my hand on her bareback.

"How late were we?" I have a question. "Sorry if I went hard, my memory is a little fuzzy about last night. I'm tired too."

"Midnight i believe." She said gogally.

"When we went to bed?"

"No, when we finished, you put me in the tub to wash up for a little, and you changed the sheets."

"Okay, now it's coming back to me." I nod my head a little drowsy.

"Best apology in a while." She said softly, her eyes were still closed as she almost drifted off again.

"I'm glad you liked it." I pull her a little closer to my side.

"I love you, Wade."

"I love you too, dear." I kiss her forehead. We both drifted off to sleep again and then woke up around ten in the morning. "Gracie?" I nudged her. "I think we need to get up before the kids think we died." I got up and put a robe around my body and then I picked up Gracie's bra, shorts, and robe to place them on the bed.

"Mmmmmmmm." She pulled the blanket over her head. I chuckle.

"Come on." That's when I remembered Gracie is going to fall if she tries and gets out of bed. "On second thought, maybe you should rest. You're probably really sore and plus you got a little guy growing in your stomach so take it easy this morning. Your clothing is on the bed if you want to get dressed. I'm going to get some food for us."

"I'll be out a little later, thank god it's a saturday."

"Maybe Friday should be our day." I nodded and ended straight off towards the kitchen.

"Hey dad!" Avery smiles while eating some oatmeal. "Can I make anything for Gracie and you? Cayden went off to work today and Eddie said he's doing some freelance work with the news."

"Gracie will probably take a small waffle and a watermelon. I'll just make myself a bagel."

"Alrighty. Do you want me to talk to her or do you?"

"Um, she might want to see another face than just mine. You can take it to her."

Avery -

I knock on the door, waiting for a response.

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