Chapter 22 What Are You Doing Here?!

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Wade -

I stock the streets above, strutting my stuff on the side of the buildings. My Hawaiian shirt flapped with the wind as I wore it over my combat suit. "Hey Hot Stuff!" I've heard that voice before. I turn. She did not.

"What are you doing here?!" I hopped down from the high spot of the building I was dancing on.

"I thought you would be happy to see me in my combat suit." She raised an eyebrow. Her suit was a black tight fit and hugged her body perfectly, her face was covered with a hood and a mask. We both had kantans strapped to our backs along with guns at our hips, she on the other hand and plenty of knives hidden around her person. I hit my hand against my forehead.

"As much as I am happy to see you, I want you at home! I just finished up a job and now looking for some more crime. Don't follow me and go home!"

"Wade came here."

"Why?" I cross my arms.

"Wadeeeeee~" she opened her arms, I'm guessing she wanted a hug or something.

"Gracieeeeeeeeeee." I finally give in and walk slowly over to her with my arms open. "You are a bad influence." I smile under the mask as we embrace.

"Oh you love it, and you know it," she said slowly lifting up my mask.

"Why don't we skip some crime and go to bed early, huh?" I look into her eyes under the hood.

"Can you just kiss me already?" I bend down to kiss her smooth lips. "This might hurt." She whispered right before I kissed her.

"Huh?" Then as our lips touched I started to feel my energy flow out of me, and into her. She released the kiss, leaving me gasping for air. I felt weak. "Wha- What." my vision was slowly fogging up.

"I'M SORRY!!" She said, bending down next to me. "It should pass in a second, I just wanted to make sure I could help you and not get hurt."

"I-I don't understand." I lay down on the building's hard roofing.

"Bro you know... it's part of my mutation..."

"Right right." I pat my hand on her leg. "How come this didn't happen when we were playing hockey pokey."

"BAHAHA. It's cuz I have a really good control over it, and plus it only happens on command."

"Then why didn't you have control over it at that moment?" I'm a little out of breath.

"No, I did it just.. It just hurts a lot when I do it. Now I have this." She said rolling up her sleeve and taking out a knife and giving her a little cut.

"Gracie! What are you doing!" I sit up. I went to see the cut that she gave herself and it was already healed. "Healing Factor?"

"Yup! Cool huh!" She said, biting her lip and looking at me.

"So you can't die?"

"Just for a little bit, the energy is either going to be used as your power or into a force field or the baby might just take it."

"Kiss me anytime you need to!" I smile at her.

"Gladly." She said pulling me into a kiss, this time it didn't sting. It felt good kissing her though I did feel weaker physically and metaphorically. I pulled her down to lay beside me on the hard gravel.

"I don't know what I would do without you." I smile, hugging her tightly and releasing her from the pressure. We stared, looking up at the high buildings and the blue sky. My arm was close around her and her right arm rested on my chest as she leaned into my side.

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