Chapter 15 Please? Another Round?

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Wade -

Once the door shut it was my chance. I grabbed Gracie and pulled her onto the bed and kissed her cherry red lips. "Wade at least let me brush my teeth." she giggled.

"I don't care." I kissed her face over and over, "I missed you last night. Plus, I never got my round two." Her hair was a chocolate mess but I didn't care, she was beautiful to me.

"Aww i missed you too. I do want to say that me and Ave are on good terms."

"That's good but focus on me today, will ya." I kissed her forehead. She kissed me in response.

"Okay." she said softly.

"The kids are gone for the day. We can be together." I whispered, kissing her ear.

"And that's thanks to who now?" She said,

I pulled away to see her laying on the bed, "Cayden." She flipped me on my back to where she was now straddling me. She leaned down and kissed my cheek and whispered.

"Try again."

I smiled, "Let me guess, you." I see her tower over me as I'm pinned to the bed by her body.

"That's right." she said, kissing my neck. She moved closer to me and I moved my lips from top to bottom.

"You look really pretty this morning." I confuse in her ear. Now I flipped her to where she was under me again. I pulled my shirt slowly off hoping she would do something similar when the door opened. "You gotta be joking." I yanked my shirt over my head and I was happy that Gracie was still dressed.

"Hey dad! Sorry I forgot my-" she stared at us as we were in a weird position.

"Wade got off." Gracie whispered. Her face was so flushed.

I got up, "You forgot your phone." I finished handing it over to her.

"T-thanks." she started for a moment and then slowly smiled, "Dad, you're such a player." and walked off. All I could do was laugh. "You guys have fun." she waved.

"Oh my gosh." Gracie said, covering her face with her hands.

"At least she took it in a good way." I shrugged.

"That really killed the mood." Gracie said, her face was still red as a cherry.

I walked over to my closet to put my super suit on. "Want to do some shopping? We can find you a dress."

"Well at least put your suit away." She said as she got up and she was in a tank top and short shorts.

I tossed it to the side and put on a hoodie and some jeans. "Do you want me to get you some of Ave's clothes? She wouldn't mind. You guys are probably the same size."

"No, that's okay." She said as she grabbed the hoodie that I just brought out and put it on herself.

"You gotta be joking. I was going to wear that." I looked at her in a shameful, sarcastic way. The hoodie covered her shorts as she walked towards me and put her arms around my neck.

"Still mad?"

I wanted to strangle her. I laughed to myself. "I was going to wear it but I can always find another. You sure you wouldn't be cold?"

"Wade, do we have to go out?" She said, trying to pull me back to the bed.

"Well, I wanted to find you a dress to wear for me but I guess it could wait." I was pushed onto the bed with Gracie over me. "Round two?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Round two." She smiled and kissed me.I put my arms around her waist and pushed her down towards my chest. I kissed her head and her soft hair. It was silky smooth.

"You know, you don't have to hide from me under that big hoodie." I tried to pull it off and tossed it somewhere in the room, I wasn't looking. "Now, we need to do something with that tank top and shorts." I smiled at her and she giggled.

Wade? Is that you? I still haven't gotten a thank you yet..

Huh? The voices were coming back. Not now! I want my round two!

"Wade honey you okay?"

"I was just hearing something. I'm better now. Now... Are you going to take it off or do I have to chase you?" She got up running around the room giggling trying to dodge my arm swings. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

"Oh dont ask like you dont like it!" She said giggling and still running. I finally was able to lock her in my chest before she could bullet off again.

"Come on. Give Deadpool what he wants." I kissed the back of her neck.

"I think I'll give Wade Wilson what he wants.." She whimpered. I smiled and let her go as she slowly pulled her shirt over her head. She had a couple of the same scars but it didn't matter. She then slid off her shorts and I pushed her to the bed to kiss her. "There's my Wade Wilson."

"Please. I'm blushing." I kissed her body and her face.

"You know. You're still wearing your jeans and shirt. That's not fair." she whispered, yanking my shirt over my head and she pulled my jeans down. I felt cold in my underwear but she probably felt colder. I crawled over her, and started kissing her neck again. "Now we're even." she smiled as she giggled.

I pulled up for air, "Is it just me or are you cold?"

"Oh yeah, I'm cold. But who cares." She said

I picked her naked body up and pushed the covers over us. "That's better." I smiled, my hand traveled down her smooth body. "Let's see if you still got it." I continued to smile.

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