Chapter 25 Give Me Something Good To Look At

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I couldn't wait to see Gracie in some dresses. She better find something good and a little showy. "So Ave, do you think Gracie and I could look together for a bit?"

"Sure thing. I needed to get a few things just wait on some dresses to try on for me!"

"Sounds good." My smile grew a little bigger once she left. I grab her hand and we head off towards a dress shop. "Let's start looking." I look for something that could be showy and sexy for her to try on. "Is there a color you want?" I ask her. I skim through.


"Girl after my own heart." I smile. "What about this one?!" It was a dark red that was too showy. I thought it was perfect but she might overrule me because she is the authority in the relationship, the boss. "Any thoughts?"

"Next." Didn't like it huh? She better find a good one to turn me on. "How about this one" It was a long red dress that looked like it would be tight on her body, then goes out on the bodom. "Ehhh to fancy huh?" then she put it back. This is going to take forever.

"At least try some of these on before Avery comes over." I pulled out the ones I could find and shoved them into her arms. "Try these on. I don't care if you don't like them but one of them I need to like."

"Damn okay."

"Sorry. That was a little hard. You do it better than I do." I waited outside the changing room pacing back and forth.

"Ok you might want to sit down." She giggled.

"Sit down? Why?" She walked out of the room with a short, silky, dark red dress on which had slits on the sides showing more of her skin. My jaw dropped as I almost fell to the ground. Now I get why she wanted me to sit down.

"Y-you..." I stutter. I got up and walked over to her wrapping my arms around her waist. I needed to get the feel of it before I was going to sleep next to her. I ran my hands up and down her sides and back.

"Woah there boy, calm down, not here."

"Just getting the feel." I continued.

"Boy, you're already turned on damnnn."

"What makes you think that? I would have gone for the kiss on the neck already if I was turned on." Though I wanted to so badly. "As I said, I just want a feel."

"Boy, look at yourself, and tell me I'm wrong." I placed my hands at my side.

"Is that the one or is there more you want to show me. I mean, I would be okay with that. I do like the feeling of the dress. Is it easy to slip off?" I asked. "Oh, in a few months, you wouldn't be able to fit in there."


"I'm not calling you fat! I swear! I'm just saying that because of Superstar. What are you now? Week seven?"

"Yeah, it's weird, you know, I'm going to be a mom. That's scary."

"You're going to be great but we will need to find a way to keep our sex life to ourselves with the kid thinking about any of it. I can't wait to see you as a mother. You're going to be the best. I'll try and not get as turned on in those days since you are going to be tired throughout half of the month."

"Wade, what is it with you and wanting sex all the time."

"I like the stress reliever it gives me and hey! Last night you wanted that one too!"

"W-well i wanted an apology and it was a good one at that!"

"So when you want an apology that's what I have to give you from now on or is it like a one-time deal?" I cross my arms.

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