Chapter 8 Girls Are Sometimes A Pain

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Wade Wilson -

"You." I pointed at the girl, "Follow me." We walked around the alleyways and through the streets till we reached a park. "This way."

"Where are you taking me?"

"The Police Station is across the park and if you are lost then they could help you find your way home. I don't have time to babysit."

"No, we are not going to the police station.. And I'm not a child. I'm 21.. They can't help me."

"And I'm 45 so it's technically 'babysitting'." I raise my fingers in air quotes.


I stared at her, "You know me... Don't you."

"Well I kinda just ummm it's complicated."

"I don't have time for complicated. Go to the Police Station or you're on your own."

"THEY CANT HELP ME!! Look, I have weird powers or something. I was talking with Bucky and then I was okay."

He sighed, "Come on." We continued through the park to find a small tree house. "You coming up?" I leaned over the edge of the door. She sighed and her hands glowed as she lifted her body off the floor, and into the tree house. "Show off." I mutter.

"I know." she said with a giggle. The tree house was simple with some old toys of Ave's and a map of different cities with marks on them. There were some pictures of the family I helped make and some of me fighting villains. Comic books were chilling over bean bags and a small kitty table. "This place is so cute."

"Thanks." I grumble. "It was Ave's."

"Why are you so grumpy? I'm sorry Im being such a pain."

"I just have a lot going on in my head and your problem isn't what I wanted to deal with. So let's get to business. You from this New York or a different one." I layed down maps of many different New Yorks."

"Well, in this new york does the world know who spiderman is?"

"Your world is ahead of mine by a few stories/movies. Everyone knows the title Spider-Man but his identity hasn't yet been revealed. He's just a normal high schooler living out his years as a teenage super." I tossed a comic book at her of Spider-Man. "That's a hard copy to get. This one guy on Ebay wouldn't leave it alone and I couldn't bet all my life savings. Some of it needs to go to Avery."

"Is Avery a girlfriend of yours?" Gracie flipped through the pages of the comic.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm glad I look that young and handsome to pull off the title boyfriend." Gracie rolled her eyes, "But in all honesty no and I'd rather not say or it could hurt her. I look after her and that's my job in this town besides fighting crime in which the cops can't." I felt my ring under my glove. The ring in which I was going to wear once Vanessa and I were married.

"I understand." she nodded her head.

I cleared my throat. "So, you are from a different world you could say or you are in the same world just teleported to the past. Pick your poison." I looked through the maps, "If we are in the same world but you traveled from the past then your New York will be the same as ours we just need a time machine. If you are from a different world then we need to find the changes and connect them to one of these maps."

"Well if we are in the same world just at different times i think that i might need to see Peter... or i need to figure out how i did what i did and get home... I kinda left Bucky with my dog.."

"I'm not traveling to New York." I crossed my arms, "There are some things that need to stay there and I need to stay here."

"Oh okay, well umm I don't know anymore. I am getting the vibe that you don't want to help me, I'm really scared right now, I know I may not show it but I am. Thank you for your help." She said as she was about to leave the tree house."

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