Chapter 4

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March 19, 1943

When Carter woke up, he found out he and Douxie were being discharged for the next month. He was told it was due to their injuries, but he suspected there may have been another reason. Still, he wasn't going to complain.

The whole way back to New York, they were pretty much silent. Douxie's cat- Douxie's familiar, Archie, was sitting under the train seat behind Douxie's legs. Finding out the cat could talk was somehow even more of a shock than finding out magic existed.

Carter stared out the window at the passing countryside, his leg bouncing with anxiety. He was so close. Maybe now... he could get some answers. He didn't want to press his mom for answers, but now that he knew the truth about magic, maybe she'd be willing to tell him about his father. Maybe his dad wasn't human, maybe he had been a wizard too? The thought felt odd, but somehow closer to the truth than what he'd been told all his life.

"You anxious, Queens?" Douxie asked, looking at him with something akin to concern.

Carter shrugged, fingers tapping on the window sill. "A little. I'm just... I guess it's a lot to take in, you know?"

Douxie nodded. "I get it." He tilted his head, raising a brow. "But?"

Carter sighed, turning away from the window to face him. "But what?"

Douxie shook his head. "The letter, dumbass. From your mom? I swear the only thing you do is worry about her."

Carter pursed his lips. "She's sick, Doux. Really sick. It's... it was why I was so anxious to come home in the first place but now... with new things brought to light, I'm hoping she can give me some real answers."

Douxie tried to ignore the way his chest constricted. "About...?"

"My dad." Carter said simply. It was the first time he'd ever mentioned his father without getting angry or putting his walls up. "She said he left but I'm starting to think that's not true. Not really, at least."

Douxie nodded slowly. "Okay." He shook off the nagging feeling and smiled. "I hope you get some answers, Carter. I really do."

Carter frowned, brows furrowing. "Why do you always do that?

Douxie blinked. "Do what?"

"You always get this weird look on your face whenever I mention my dad."

"Oh." Douxie looked away, trying to think of a way to explain it. "It's nothing-"

"Bullshit." Carter laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. "No more secrets, Douxie. Tell me what it is."

Douxie pursed his lips and then looked back at him. "I really don't know, Carter. I'm not sure what it is, but whenever you talk about your dad I get this feeling like..." he sighed. "You know that feeling you get when you're alone but you feel like someone is watching you and it makes you paranoid and anxious?"


"That's it." Douxie shook his head. "And I don't know why. It's weird and I don't like it."

"Hm." Carter pursed his lips, thinking. "So... do you think... my dad could be, erm, not human?"

"It's possible." Douxie admitted. "You just have this sort of... aura around you that just screams magic but I can't pinpoint what exactly it is."

"Oh." Carter didn't exactly seem shocked, but he also looked like he didn't know how to react to it.

"You don't look surprised." Douxie pointed out.

He shrugged, turning away again. "Douxie, do most people react as calmly to your magic as I did?"

"Eh..." Douxie see-sawed his hand.

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