Chapter 16

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They wasted no time in getting off the boat. All four of them were a bit wobbly-legged from Captain Crazy's phenomenal boating skills.

"Bye boys!" Captain Crazy called, waving to them from the wheel as the boat backed into the harbor, slowly fading into mist. "Have a nice life!"

Douxie waved back half-heartedly. "Bye! Thanks for the ride!"

"Don't mention it! And hey, give little miss fortune my best!" The boat disappeared.

Douxie looked at Carter. "Who in the ever living hell is "little miss fortune"?"

Carter shrugged. "Absolutely no idea. I'm pretty sure that guy is halfway out of his mind."

The wizard snickered. "I honest to gods thought he might try to kill us."

Carter nodded. "I'm sure he's murdered at least one person before."

"Oh at least."

"Are they always like this?" Fenris asked Archie.

Archie sighed. "Sometimes worse." He settled on the wolf's back. "Carter, Douxie. Can we go home?"

"Yes, yeah." Douxie wrapped his arm around Carter's waist as they walked. "I really need a shower."
"Yep you smell really bad."

Douxie gasped in mock offense. "You're horrible."

"And yet you love me anyway." Carter gave him a cheeky smile.

"Mhm," Douxie hummed and moved in for a kiss.

Carter blocked him. "Public space."

Douxie groaned and rolled his eyes. "I hate that."

"Me too." Carter tapped his nose. "I love you very much, though, Blue."

Douxie smiled. "I love you too, Sunshine."

"Let's go." Archie groaned.

"Sorry, sorry." Douxie apologized, grabbing Carter's hand as they walked. He looked at him. "So how do you feel? Better?"

Carter gave him a sideways smile. "A little bit, yes. Definitely less impulsive. And," he gestured to Fenris who was trotting along up ahead with Archie still on his back. "I made a new friend."

"Mhm," Douxie nodded. He hunkered down in his coat a little, trying to stay warm. "So, how badly do you think this is going to mess up the universe now that Fenris is free?"

"Eh," Carter shrugged. "We kinda made a deal."

He raised a brow. "A deal?"

"Yep." He stuck his hand in his pocket. Presumably to keep his fingers from freezing off. It was cold. "Single combat. If he won, he'd get to eat me, which he was going to do anyway. If I won I broke him free and made him promise not to trigger the end of the world. I won. We're bonded now."

"So...," Douxie poked his side. "You have a familiar now?"

Carter thought about it. "In a way, yeah. Probably not the exact same thing, but yeah. Close."

"Very impressive, love. You tamed an ancient beast who's supposed to end the world." He gave him a smile. "Super cool. Kind of sexy."

Carter laughed. "You think everything I do is sexy."

Douxie smirked. "I do." His eyes flickered to his lips, and he had to restrain himself from kissing him. He sighed heavily and looked away. "Dammit, why do you have to be so perfect?" He muttered.

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