Chapter 32

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Jim wanted to punch a wall. He couldn't help but feel at fault for what happened. He knew that plan wouldn't work, but he let them do it anyway. Although... deep down, he knew it was probably unavoidable. Vameus was unlike any foe he'd faced before. He thought this would be easier than the Arcane Order goddammit! Vameus was supposed to be weaker than his siblings. Why was he winning?

And now, because of his stupidity, they'd lost a friend. Carter was a good person. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to have a father like Vameus. He'd tried so hard... fought so viciously to be free of all of this. And now, he was in the clutches of an evil Jim couldn't comprehend. And now Jim didn't know if they could even get him back.

He hastily scrubbed the forming tears out of his eyes with sleeve, trying to focus on not burning dinner. He needed to think. Cooking helped him calm down.

"Need some help?" Douxie's voice, quiet and hoarse from crying startled Jim out of his stupor.

Jim looked up at him, heart breaking for his friend. Douxie looked absolutely shattered. But Jim offered a soft smile and moved to make room for him. "That would be great."

Douxie moved into step beside Jim, taking over making enough grilled cheese for everyone, while the Trollhunter focused on the soup. They worked in silence for a long while before Douxie quietly said, "Carter was good at this."

Jim slowed, ladle resting against the side of the pot. "Yeah?"

Douxie's nod was slow. He was working slowly, carefully, moving with such fragility Jim was scared he might break. "He was always better at cooking than me."

Jim pursed his lips. "Douxie..."

"He had a good teacher," Douxie continued as if Jim had never spoken. "His mother was a good woman. She loved him so much..." he took in a shaking breath, bracing himself against the counter. "She would weep if she could see what's happened to him."

Jim put a hand on Douxie's shoulder gently. "Douxie, it's going to be okay. We'll find him."

Douxie wouldn't look at him. He stared down at the counter, shaking. "Do you know what she told me before she died? Her last request of me before she was taken from this world?"

Jim's brows furrowed, unsure where Douxie was going with this. "What?"

Douxie looked at him, hazel eyes bloodshot with tears. "She asked me to protect him. To keep him safe. To be there for him." He sucked in another shaking breath. "And I failed."

"Douxie," Jim said, gripping his shoulder a little tighter to give him some grounding focus. "You didn't fail. Okay? You did protect him. You did, for a very long time. And it isn't over. We're going to get Carter back. Everything will be okay."

"Jim, you don't understand," Douxie nearly sobbed. "We have no way to find him! Vameus made quite sure of that. By the time we do, it's going to be too late!"

"Stop it," Jim commanded, squeezing his shoulders. He forced ease into Douxie's mind before things could start flying around the house. "We are going to find him, Douxie. We just need a lead of some sort."

Douxie nearly collapsed against the counter when Jim let go of him. He was still shaking, but not as badly. He clenched and unclenched his hand, breathing slowly. "Thanks..."

Jim still felt a twinge of guilt for using his divine powers of kingship to force Douxie out of a panic attack, but they both knew there was no time for it. "You're welcome. Next time let's try to fix that with hot cocoa and a therapy session."

Douxie laughed tearfully, pushing himself upright. "Thanks, Jim."

Jim gave him a soft smile, just turning back to the soup when Douxie suddenly gasped sharply and staggered to the side. Jim jumped to catch him, saving him from smacking his head on the counter, but they both still fell to the ground.

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