Chapter 22

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Claire sighed as she fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist. She frowned at her reflection. She normally didn't wear this much makeup... ever. The deep purple dress hugged her figure and Claire just... cringed. She didn't dress up. This was weird. And... uncomfortable.

The bathroom door opened, and Jim walked in. He stopped when he saw her, eyes wide. "Woah."

Claire sighed. "I know."

"You look so..."



Claire blushed. "Well, don't get used to it. It's just for the mission."

Jim grinned and pulled her close. "We should have missions like this more often, then."

She laughed as Jim kissed her cheek. "Oh yeah, you'd definitely enjoy that."

"I would," he agreed, gently pressing a kiss to her neck before pulling away. "You're so pretty, Claire."

Claire blushed again, smile growing. "Thank you." She gently pat his chest. "Now go. I have to get into character."

"Oh, no." Jim laughed. "I want to see what posh Claire looks like."

She snorted. "Accent and all?"

He raised his brows. "Accent?"

"It's my making fun of Douxie accent."

Jim started laughing. "Do it. I want to hear it."

Claire grinned and cleared her throat. Then she said in the worst British accent ever, "I'm a very British person. I say bloody hell and fuzzbuckets because I can't be bothered to say fuck."

Jim burst into laughter. "Oh god that's amazing. Ten bucks if you say that to his face."

Claire chuckled. "Maybe after we're done saving the world again."

He grinned and nodded. "Fair enough. Although, I wouldn't actually use that accent if you want to fool anybody."

"I figured. It's just my way of making you laugh." She giggled.

"I enjoyed it." Jim smiled. "But we should get going. Krel made a lot of bombs. And you and Carter need to get a headstart if you're going to make it to that party."

Claire nodded. "Yep."

"Ten bucks if you say it to Carter."

"Does Carter even have a sense of humor?" Claire crossed her arms with a sly smile. "He's the only twenty year old I've met who doesn't smile."

"Don't be mean." Jim chastised lightly, pushing her out the door. "He's got a lot going on. Besides, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't make fun of Douxie every now and then?"

Claire chuckled as they walked down the hall. "And you're not worried about your girlfriend going to a fancy party dressed like this with a guy who's not you?"

Jim laughed. "You mean the obvious homosexual who's dating one of my best friends? Nah. Nope. Not worried." He shook his head with a smile. "Besides, Carter seems like the kind of person who stays laser focused on the mission."


"Douxie," Carter whispered between kisses, sighing into his boyfriend's mouth as Douxie pushed him against the bathroom sink. "Babe, we don't have time for this."

"Five more minutes." Douxie muttered, pressing kisses down Carter's neck. He pushed Carter's half-buttoned shirt over his shoulder, kissing there too. "I love you so much."

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