Chapter 17

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2020, one week after Merlin's death.

Douxie led Nari through the streets of New York City. It was loud and bustling with people. The perfect place to hide from two gods hellbent on razing the world. He gripped her hand a little tighter, pushing through the crowd. Archie was sitting on his shoulders, head swiveling as he kept an eye out.

"Are you sure he's even home?" Archie asked, claws digging slightly into Douxie's shoulder.

"No, but even if he's not we can still stay in the apartment for a while." Douxie said. "It's warded and masked. The Order won't find us."

Archie sighed. "You're going to get an earful."

"I know."

Nari listened to their conversation curiously. She had no clue as to who Douxie and Archie were talking about, but she found comfort in the knowledge that they were going somewhere safe.

A few minutes later, they turned the corner and came upon an apartment complex. It was an old building, but still sturdy. They climbed the stairs, and made their way down the halls, until they came to one of the apartment doors.

Douxie waved his hand over it and the door unlocked. They hurried inside and he shut the door behind them. He slumped against it, letting out an anxious breath. They were going to be okay. For now.

He pushed off the door and looked around. One of the windows was open, and fresh dishes were in the sink. He felt a wave of relief. "Carter?" He called.

He heard shuffling down the hall and then his boyfriend came running out of the bedroom. As soon as he saw Douxie, he nearly sobbed. He ran forward and they met eachother in a hug.

"My gods, you idiot." Carter squeezed him tightly, as if he was scared he'd disappear if he let go. "You just- you were gone." He couldn't keep his tears down anymore, crying into Douxie's shoulder. "I felt you die, Douxie."

Douxie pressed a kiss to his temple, wrapping his arms around him tighter. "I know, love. I'm so sorry. It's... a really long story."

"You didn't even call me." Carter said, lifting his head to look at him.

Douxie shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "Ha... funny story. My phone kind of got... destroyed."

Carter narrowed his eyes. "Hisirdoux Casperan, what the hell have you been doing?"

"... Fighting the Arcane Order?"

Carter stared at him for a moment. "What!?"

Douxie cringed. "Yep..." he pursed his lips. "Uh, Sunshine." He gestured to Nari, who'd been watching them worriedly. "This is Nari. She defected from the Order, and I'm helping her hide from them."

Nari smiled at him and waved. "Hello.

Carter waved back. "... Hi." He looked at Douxie. "This is a bad idea."

Douxie sighed. "Love... I have to. She needs my help, and if I don't then the world is going to end."

Carter sighed, clenching his jaw. "I get that part... but Douxie...-" he squeezed his wrists. He looked into his eyes, anxious and worried. "Baby, what did you do to get yourself killed?"

Douxie pursed his lips. "Carter... look, darling. I know I scared you and I'm so sorry. But I'm okay. It won't happen again. I promise."

Carter's brows furrowed. "You can't promise that, Douxie. I know you. You couldn't give two shits whether you live or die if it meant protecting others."

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