Chapter 7

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April 14, 1943

After that day in the forest, monster attacks seemed to happen much more frequently. It was only after a secretary woman, who turned out to actually be a harpy, attacked Carter, that Douxie decided to teach his boyfriend swordplay. He'd need to know how to properly defend himself from magical threats if he was going to survive in this world Douxie had accidentally thrust him into.

Douxie had dragged Carter out of the barracks that night, taking him to a private spot in the middle of the woods. A clearing that was about a fifteen minutes walk from base. This had sort of become their "practice spot".

Douxie put up a barrier to hide them from sight in case anyone else would be crazy enough to be this deep in the woods in the middle of the night. He didn't want to come up with an excuse if anyone saw them using actual swords.
"Alright." He turned to Carter who was putting on the leather arm guards Douxie had given him. A little reminder of Camelot to him, but a practice tool for Carter. "Let's get started."

Carter picked up his sword, the same one that he'd killed the hellhound with. "Next time we do this," he grumbled. "Bring coffee."

Douxie chuckled, summoning a sword from his vambrace. "Not an early riser?"

"It's the middle of the goddamned night." Carter pointed out. He rolled his shoulder, gripping his sword a little tighter. He planted his feet, getting into position.

Douxie smiled a little. Even tired and grumpy, Carter was ready to fight. They walked the ground in a circle parallel to eachother, before Douxie came at him fast. He brought his sword in an upwards arc. Carter parried it, twisting out of the way as Douxie passed him. He blocked the next strike, with ease. He kept on the defensive, watching the way the wizard fought. They'd been doing this every night for nearly a week. Carter knew Douxie's patterns of offense.

He ducked and rolled as Douxie's blade passed way too close to his face. "Woah!" He came up kneeling on one knee, sword held out to block the next strike. "A little close for comfort there, Blue."

Douxie walked closer, tapping his sword against Carter's. He helped him up, brushing some grass from his hair. "Something I learned, Sunshine. Always protect the face."

Carter scoffed lightly, swatting his hand away good-naturedly. "It was a cheap move."

Douxie smiled. "Never count on your opponent to fight fair. In a real battle, you do whatever it takes to make it out alive. Monsters don't have honor. They don't play by the rules."

Carter nodded slowly. "You speak from experience, I'm guessing?"

Douxie sighed but nodded. "After you've lived as long as I have, you learn that the hard way." He pursed his lips, looking at him. "Carter, I never had someone to teach me the hard things about the world. The magical world, I mean. The man who was... supposed to teach me these things... he left before he got the chance."

Left. Carter noted. Left, not died.

"We were in the middle of a war and he just didn't have the time." Douxie continued, eyes turning to the stars. "If... I do one thing right in my life, it's to help you prepare for a life in this world. Being a half-blood..." he glanced at Carter, eyes sad. "It's dangerous. I only ever knew a few and every single one of them..." he sighed. "I want something different, for you, Carter. I want you to have a chance."

Carter stared at him for a while before he smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're giving that to me, Douxie. I wouldn't have made it this far if it weren't for you."

Douxie smiled too, placing a hand over the one Carter had on his shoulder. "So, I'm not an absolutely hopeless sword fighting teacher?"

Carter laughed, he truly laughed, for the first time in weeks. It made Douxie's chest swell with warmth. Carter smiled at him, hand moving to cup his cheek. "No, not at all. But that's not what I meant." He gently ran his thumb over his cheek bone. "Douxie, you saved me in more ways than you know. The building, all those monsters..." his smile faded. "My mom..." he sighed, looking back at him. "I don't know where I'd be today if I didn't have you."

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