Chapter 27

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 Carter slowly blinked his eyes open. He snuggled closer to the warm body in front of him. Lean arms tightened around his torso, and the still sleeping wizard made a cute noise, nuzzling into the top of his head. Carter smiled against Douxie's chest, pressing a light kiss to his clavicle.

In the back of his head, he was wondering what time it was. But all he really wanted to focus on was not getting up. Carter was perfectly content with remaining right here, wrapped in his lover's arms, the world tuned out like it didn't even exist.

He smiled to himself, closing his eyes as he let himself sink back into the sleepy haze still tugging at his brain. Douxie shifted against him, hand brushing against his back. He sighed softly, breath tickling the top of Carter's head. It took the half-blood a few more seconds to realize he'd left his hearing aids in all night.

He mentally cursed himself for not remembering to remove them before they fell asleep. Though, in his defense, taking his hearing aids out had been the furthest thing from either of their minds. Carter smiled to himself again, last night's fun coming to the forefront of his mind. He had to resist the urge to wake Douxie up with soft kisses and jump back into it. No matter how much he wanted to, their distraction could only go so far.

His drive to be responsible trumped his drive to sleep. So, he pushed himself out of Douxie's grip slowly, making sure not to wake him up. He very quietly got dressed, before taking his hearing aids out and stuffing them in his jeans pocket. A hearing break would do him some good.

He debated with himself for a moment before he grabbed his handgun, strapping the holster to his belt as he walked out of the room. They wouldn't be leaving to enact their very stupid and dangerous plan for a few more hours, so he had time to kill. Carter figured a bit of practice (though probably unneeded) would be a good way to kill that time.


He found Fenris and Archie in the main room the team had been occupying the last day or so. The two were obviously just now waking up. The Wolf was stretched out on the ground, sleeping on one side, while Archie was still half-sprawled on top of him.

Archie stretched, wings and legs spreading as far as he could manage before he relaxed. He blinked sleepily at Carter, face half-buried into Fenris' shoulder. "Wizard?" He mumbled telepathically.

"Sleeping." Carter signed. He smiled at the two creatures. He so wished he had a camera right now. Unfortunately, his phone was completely dead. Curse the trolls and their lack of electrical outlets. "What time is it?"

Archie hummed, blinking lazily. He made no effort to get up. "No clue." He nudged Fenris with a paw. "Fen. What time is it?"

Fenris huffed, clearly annoyed at being disturbed in his not-asleep but asleep mode. "Half past ten." He opened one eye, looking at Carter. "You two are loud. You know that, right?"

Carter didn't have the decency to look embarrassed. He just flashed the Wolf a smile. "Can't blame me for wanting one last night with him before I die."

Fenris frowned (if wolves could even frown... could they frown?) and lifted his head, now much more awake than he had been five seconds ago. "Are you really so certain you'll die?"

Carter shrugged. "I'm not so certain of anything, bud. Let alone making it out of this alive."

Fenris glanced at Archie, the two having a silent conversation. Then they looked back at him. "Try not to, at least." Fenris said.

Carter nodded, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "I'll do my best, buddy. I'll promise you that much."


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