Chapter 18

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2022, roughly one year after the defeat of the Arcane Order.

Carter was doing his best to avoid bumping into people on the crowded street. He was keeping an eye on the two young girls across the street who were trying to go unnoticed. Definitely runaways if he'd ever seen them. He'd just found them. Marceline and Sarah Mccarthy. His sisters. Yeah. That thought was still weird.

But he needed to get them to safety and he didn't know how to do that yet without freaking them out, so he was waiting. Fenris was by his side, keeping a keener eye out for danger. Carter wasn't sure what the mortals were seeing the giant wolf as. He'd seen one kid point at Fenris and go, "Puppy!". Another lady was watching them carefully, keeping her young child at her side. Maybe she thought he was a giant weasel or something.

Carter glanced at his companion. "Anything yet?"

"No." Fenris sniffed the air. "But patience. The harpy might return, so we should use caution."

"Yeah, and the longer we wait, the more chance of them getting snapped up by some giant mole or something."

"Those don't exist."

"You never know."

Fenris gave him a look. "But I do know."

Carter rolled his eyes. "I was being sarcastic, buddy."

"Mmm, okay."

Carter ignored him. He tensed when he saw Marceline and Sarah dart down an alley. "Shit," he ran after them, Fenris not far behind.

As he turned the corner, he heard screaming. He ran through to the other end of the alley, seeing the two girls were being attacked by a harpy. Carter sprang to their defense, shield forming over his wrist. He stood in front of the girls, the harpy's claws scraping over the shield.

The monster screeched in outrage, zipping away to form a plan and to get away from Fenris' teeth. "You!" She screamed. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

"Me." Carter agreed with a slight snarl. "Stay off the kids, bitch."

"When I am done tearing the flesh from your bones, they will be next!" She screeched.

"Good luck, bird brain." He glared at her, sword blade snapping out with a flick of his wrist.

The girls huddled together behind him, staring with wide, fearful eyes. Fenris stood behind them protectively, crouched low and snarling at the chicken woman.

The harpy hissed at him and lunged. Carter bat her out of the air with his shield, watching her roll across the road. The empty road, Carter realized. All the mortals were gone.

An enraged screech shook him from his thoughts. Sharp talons scraped across his arm. Carter swung his sword, hearing the she-monster scream in pain. He shook off his bleeding arm, gripping his sword tighter.

The harpy stumbled to her feet, blood dripping from a deep gash across her chest. She glared at him, stalking forward. She leapt at him again, only to get a sword in her chest. She let out one last pitiful screech before disintegrating into dust.

Carter let out a heavy breath, blade snapping back into the sword hilt. He turned to look at the girls, who were staring with wide eyes.

"Hi," he said softly, kneeling in front of them. "You two okay?"

The oldest, Marceline, just stared at him. Sarah looked between him and Fenris, eyes wide as saucers.

"Are you a superhero?" Sarah asked suddenly.

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