Chapter 36

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To everyone's surprise, quite a few citizens showed up. They brandished weapons of baseball bats, tennis rackets, and makeshift shields. Carter worried for their sanity, but seeing so many strangers come together like this to defend their homes? It brought him... hope.

Detective Scott and multiple policemen and women were instructing the civilians on battle safety when the Trollhunters showed up at the barrier.

"Jim," Scott sounded relieved when he saw them. "Thank god. Can you give us the rundown?"

Jim looked around at the gathered crowd, eyes lingering on his old classmates who'd shown up for the fight. "This will not be like Gunmar. This won't be like Colonel Kubritz and Area 49B. This will be much, much worse. There are three rules. One; do not maintain close combat for too long. These people are trained killers, and will not hesitate to put you in an early grave. Two; do not go after the big guy. You'll know him when you see him, don't engage. He's a psychotic god who doesn't care about you or your lives. Leave that fight to Carter." He gestured to the demigod, before looking at the crowd again. "And the final rule; subdue, do not kill. These people are not in control of their actions. You will see children as young as ten years old fighting against you. Don't kill them."

He got nods and murmurs, but decided that was as good as he was going to get. He turned to Blinky, "Trolls on their way?"

Blinky nodded. "They should be here soon."

Jim turned to his team. "We won't lose this fight. He's not getting through that barrier, and he's not getting into this town."

Carter leaned towards Douxie. "He's good at this."

Douxie nodded, smiling fondly at his little brother. "That's why he's our leader."

The crowd dispersed to gather more weapons, and get instruction from their guardians.

Carter turned to Douxie, reaching for his hand. "Love," he drew in a deep breath. "There's no easy way to say this-"

"Don't," Douxie whispered, squeezing his hand. "No goodbyes. We're going to be fine."

Carter pursed his lips. He looked Douxie in the eyes, staring deep into the swirl of green and gold. His hands twitched, a tugging in his brain aching for him to grab onto his swords. The part of his brain that still felt the linger of his father's influence was screaming at him.

He closed his eyes for a moment and remembered the commands Vameus had drilled into him before he'd been rescued.

"He is just a man. He will fall, and you will make sure of that."

Vameus had meant for Carter to murder Douxie in the battle to come. And Carter didn't know if he trusted himself to not fall into his father's control again; and this time... carry out his orders.

"Hey," Douxie's voice was soft. He cupped Carter's face. "Are you okay?"

Carter gently squeezed his wrists. "He was going to make me kill you."

Douxie stared at him. "What?"

Carter looked down, taking in a shuddering breath. "I was going to kill you," he looked up at him, trying not to cry. "He wanted me to kill you."

Douxie looked at a loss. Like he was trying to truly comprehend what Carter was saying. "He knew I wasn't dead... when Blinky cut the bond."

"I don't know if I trust myself around you, Douxie." Carter's voice was small and quiet, tears pricking at his eyes. "I can- I can still feel him in my head."

"I trust you." Douxie said, not letting Carter step away from him. "You won't hurt me." He gently took Carter's left hand, pressing a gentle kiss to the metal knuckles. Carter stared at him in shock.

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