Chapter 31

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Barbara felt the ground rattling and an explosion rang outside. She ran out the front door to see her kids huddled together in the middle of the road. Someone was sobbing. Screaming. Crying. It was a sound of utter devastation and heartbreak.

She ran towards her kids, heart pounding and terror clawing at her soul. She prayed to whatever god was listening that they were all there. That everyone had made it back alive. She caught a glimpse of Blinky and Aarrrgghh hovering nearby, looking grieved and angry. This did nothing to help her anxiety.

Barbara took a quick head count, breathing a sigh of relief to see that everyone was there and accounted for. Actually, there were a few more heads to count. Three teenagers she didn't recognize were sitting on the outskirts of the group hug, faces tight with anxiety.

"Jim," She called, getting closer. "What happened?"

Jim lifted his face to meet her gaze. His eyes were a bit misty, but he looked more angry than anything else. He quickly wiped the tears from his cheeks, keeping a hand on Douxie's shoulder.

Douxie was the one crying, Barbara realized.

"We're in deep shit," the Trollhunter informed his mother gravely.

Barbara took in a deep breath, calming her nerves. She joined the group, kneeling in front of Douxie, gently cupping his face and kissing his forehead. "What happened?" She asked no one in particular. Douxie leaned into her warm embrace, sobbing turning into shuddering breaths.

Beside her, Jim took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. His fist clenched. "We should take this inside. Sun's coming up."

Barbara watched as he stood up and gestured for the trolls to go inside the house. The others followed, though rather reluctantly. Aja, Archie, and the giant wolf remained outside with her and Douxie.

"Aj," she said softly, nudging the alien queen. "Go inside. It's okay."

Aja pursed her lips. She leaned close to Douxie, forehead pressing to his temple. She whispered something to him that Barbara couldn't make out. Then, she stood and went inside.

Douxie was calming down. His breathing was evening out, though his eyes were blood-shot and he was still shaking. He was holding Archie against his chest, fingers digging into thick black fur. The massive wolf was hovering close by, looking worried.

"Douxie," Barbara said gently. "What happened?"

Douxie breathed slowly, eyes closing for a second. "Do you... remember the boy we left with? Carter?"

Barbara nodded, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Yes. He's your... boyfriend, right?"

Douxie nodded, breath shuddering. He swallowed his oncoming sob. "He was taken. By his father." He sucked in another breath, hands shaking so badly he couldn't hold Archie properly. "His father wants to use him to destroy the world."

Barbara paled. "That's not good."

"No, it's not." Archie agreed. "It's even worse that Carter's father is a deity, and brother to the Arcane Order."

"That's really not good."


Carter hit the ground hard, and wheezed as the wind was knocked out of his lungs. He rolled onto his back, flinching as the cell door clanged shut. His vision was blurring in and out, (probably from when he smacked his head on the floor). He looked at the fuzzy, retreating figure of Vameus.

"Get comfortable, brother." The smug voice, of whom Carter was pretty sure was his psycho sister Daisy, called out to him. "You're going to be here a while."

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