Chapter 10

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April 20, 1943

Douxie helped Carter to his feet, letting Carter lean on him for support. They staggered away from the abandoned battlefield, picking up speed slowly. They needed to get away from here and fast. Douxie needed to get Carter far away from this godsforsaken war. He needed to keep him safe.

"Oh, by the way." Carter said in between gasping breaths, clinging to Douxie a little tighter. "I met my dad."

Douxie stumbled, nearly falling face first onto the ground. "You what?"

"Yep." He wheezed. "He... he brought me back." Carter took in a gulping breath, chest rattling. "And gave me immortality."

Douxie did stop, looking at him with wide eyes. "You... he what?"

Carter nodded, gripping his knees. His chest was tight and he felt like he was going to throw up. "He let me come back to you."

Douxie opened his mouth to say something when Carter started coughing. It was a painful sounding, wheezing cough. "Love?" He said cautiously, putting a hand on his back as Carter attempted to straighten up. "Are you okay?"

"Peachy." Carter wiped his nose and Douxie's eyes widened at the blood that smeared across his wrist. "Let's keep going."

"Woah, hang on." Douxie grabbed his arm. "Are you bleeding?"

"Just a little bit." Carter pulled out of his grip. "I'm fine."

Douxie wanted to argue, but Carter was stubborn. He sighed, "Alright, fine."

They started walking again, but they hadn't taken more than a few steps before Carter staggered and he fell sideways. Douxie caught him quickly, hoisting him into his arms bridal style. Carter was pale, blood trickling from his nose slowly. He was fighting hard to stay awake, but he was fading.

"I've got you, Sunshine." Douxie said softly. "I've got you. It's okay."

"Doux..." Carter gasped, head lolling against his chest. "Sorry..."

"It's okay." Douxie said again. "I'm going to keep you safe, darling. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise."

"I love you." He murmured.

"I love you too, Sunshine."


April 23, 1943

Carter jolted awake, surprised to find that he was laying in a warm bed, a soft blanket covering him. He sat up slowly, grimacing at the slight pain he felt in his ribs. There was a dull ringing in his ears, but he was able to ignore it for the most part. "Doux-" he tried to speak but his voice was hoarse and raspy from disuse. How long had he been asleep? "Douxie?"

He coughed weakly into his fist, sliding his legs off the bed. He staggered to his feet, leaning on the wall for support. As he walked, he noticed the squeaking wood floorboards and the old timey feel to the building he was in. It must've been some old sort of cabin or something. He stumbled to the door, opening it quietly. The last thing he remembered was passing out in Douxie's arms, and he wasn't sure what exactly was going on. So he needed to be cautious.

He made his way down the hallway slowly, hearing low voices coming from what he assumed was the kitchen. He peeked his head around the wall, smiling and relaxing when he saw Douxie sitting at a wooden table, head buried in his hands. Archie was sitting next to him on the table, speaking to him softly.

"Hey there, Blue."

Douxie's head snapped up and the smile that spread across his face was worth every single shitty thing that had ever happened to Carter. He jumped up and ran to him, sweeping him into a hug.

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