Chapter 20

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Jim frowned at the large wolf that had sprawled out in his living room. Marcy and Sarah were sitting next to him, talking quietly to eachother. Archie was sitting on the counter next to Jim, watching the girls with worry.

"So," Jim said, crossing his arms as he leaned on the counter. "What's the story?"

Archie gave him a sideways glance. "With Marcy and Sarah? No clue. I've never met them."

"I meant Carter."

"Ah." Archie looked away, sighing. "That's a story Douxie should tell you."

Jim frowned. "Archie, I'm just trying to understand what's going on. Who is he? Why is he here?"

"Jealous much?" Archie teased.

Jim glared at him. "Arch."

"Okay. I'm sorry." Archie cleared his throat. "Carter is the boyfriend Douxie mentioned earlier."

"I figured that out." Jim said curtly, facing the cat. "But why has Douxie never mentioned him before? I mean, if they've been together for so long, why the secrecy? It's not like we would have judged him for it."

"Douxie wasn't worried about that."

"Then what?"

"Jim..." Archie sighed again. "It's complicated. Carter's safety is Douxie's number one priority. And it's hard enough to protect him without the added danger of him getting involved with all of you."

"What does that mean?" Jim asked, a little hurt.

"Not like that." Archie amended quickly. "It's just... Carter is accident prone. He's a danger magnet. And Douxie wasn't sure if he'd be totally safe in Arcadia. Especially when the Arcane Order became a problem."

Jim pursed his lips. "Why would the Order have been interested in Carter?"

"Because... Carter is... well, was, their nephew."


"Lower your voice." Archie hissed. "Like I said, it's complicated."

"How the hell is he related to the Arcane Order!?"

"It's something he should explain." Archie said. "But like I said-"

"Right, right. It's complicated." Jim rolled his eyes.


The door opened and Archie was relieved to get out of that conversation. He turned to see his familiar walk into the house, followed closely by Carter. He looked better already. He wasn't as concerningly pale, and he was barely limping anymore.

"Nice of you to join the party." Archie greeted, hopping onto Douxie's shoulders as he passed through the kitchen. "Jim was getting antsy."

"I can hear you."

"Can you now?" Archie settled on Douxie's shoulder, glancing at Carter. "All better?"

"Mostly." Carter nodded. "Just a few scrapes and bruises."

"Broken ribs, too." Douxie said, shooting his boyfriend a glare. "You're lucky you heal as fast as you do. Otherwise you'd still be in the hospital."

Carter ignored him, looking into the living room. Marcy and Sarah were hovering nearby, watching him worriedly. "You two okay?"

"Yeah." Marcy nodded. "Thanks to you."

Carter smiled at her, then looked at Sarah. "Sarah? Are you okay?"

Sarah nodded, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "Yes... But it was scary."

"Hey," Carter knelt in front of her, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. "I know it was. But you were so brave, Sarah. I'm proud of you."

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