Chapter 21

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Carter was mostly quiet as they walked through the halls of Camelot Castle. He was distracted. Douxie could tell.

"Love?" Douxie asked softly, hand moving to his lower back. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." Carter answered without looking at him. He was rubbing his thumb against his palm. It was one of his anxious habits. "I'm fine."

Douxie pursed his lips. "Are you sure-"

"Douxie!" Blinky's voice was loud and sudden, startling them. "Hello, my boy! How are you?"

"Oh, hi Blinky." Douxie smiled at him and waved. "I'm fine, thanks." He subconsciously pulled Carter closer to him. "This is Sarah and Marcy," he gestured to the two girls who were staring at the troll with wide eyes. "They're going to be hanging out here for a while."

Blinky nodded. "Welcome to Camelot, girls. Lovely to have you here." He gave Carter a side eye. "And who is this?"

"Carter," Carter said, shaking Blinky's extended hand. "I'm Douxie's partner."

"Ah, yes." Blinky nodded with a smile. "It's lovely to finally meet Hisirdoux's other half. Welcome." He looked at Douxie. "Where is the rest of the team?"

"They'll be here later." Douxie said. "For now, we need to get the girls settled and make sure they're safe."

"Is someone looking for them?" Blinky asked.

"Our father is." Carter said.

Blinky looked at him for a while before he nodded slowly. "Ah, I see. We have half-bloods in our midst." He thought for a moment before gesturing for them to follow him. "We'll do our best to keep you all safe, I assure you."

"You go on ahead with Blinky, girls." Douxie said. "I'm going to take Carter to rest."

Marcy looked between them before nodding and taking Sarah's hand. "He's not gonna... eat us, right?"

Douxie chuckled. "No. You'll be safe with him. And the big one."

"Big one?" She asked uneasily.

"You'll see."

Marcy didn't seem convinced, looking at Carter for reassurance. He gave her a nod. "Okay." She squeezed Sarah's hand and followed Blinky down the hall.

Douxie let out a breath, leading Carter in the opposite direction. He didn't stop until he got to a hallway lined with heavy oak doors. He pushed one open and let Carter in. Fenris pushed past him too and immediately plopped on the floor. Archie curled up on the wolf's back, watching Carter and Douxie carefully.

"What was all that about?" Carter asked, brows knit together with concern.

"I'm sorry, Sunshine. I just needed a moment alone with you."

Archie cleared his throat.

"Alright, mostly alone with you." Douxie amended. He sighed, gently pulling Carter closer. "You could have died."

"I could die everyday, Douxie." Carter said, rubbing Douxie's wrists with his thumbs. "Besides, looking back on it, if that thing wanted to kill me it would have."

Douxie pursed his lips. "I know."

"But we're safe for now. You can relax." Carter kissed him gently.

"Aja doesn't like you." Douxie murmured against his lips.

Carter huffed out a laugh. "Most people don't."

"I want her to like you," Douxie confessed, slowly wrapping his arms around Carter's waist to bring him closer. "I want them to like you. I want you guys to get along."

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