Chapter 33

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By the time they'd reached the two mile marker, Douxie had collapsed once more, screaming in agony. Jim and Aja held him down as he convulsed and writhed on the ground. Steve screamed at Blinky to do the spell, to which Douxie loudly voiced his objections.

"This isn't worth it, Douxie!" Laura argued.

"Please, no!" Douxie rasped, clawing at Jim's arm with desperation.

Blinky looked to Archie, expression grim. He had the spellbook open, hand hovering over the page.

Archie looked at his familiar, then to the old troll. His face was tight with worry. And regret. "Do it," he said gravely. "As his familiar, I give you permission to seal their bond. Do it."

"No!" Douxie screamed again, clawing at Jim's arm even harsher, trying to get out of their grips.

Blinky held a hand out towards Douxie, and began to recite the spell. "Sigilliuvinculum."

Douxie screamed louder, his body growing hot like fire. He thrashed in Aja and Jim's grips, crying for Blinky to stop. But he didn't. Blinky let the spell strengthen, sealing Douxie and Carter's soulbond until they could find him and stop Vameus.

Douxie's screams abruptly cut off as the spell finished. He shook in Jim's arms, taking in shuddering gasps.

"I'm sorry, Douxie." Archie whispered, nudging the top of Douxie's head. "But I had to."

Jim squeezed him a little tighter. "Douxie-"

"No." Douxie rasped, pushing out of Jim's arms. He was shaking and pale. He looked shattered... and angry. "Don't say anything."

Jim's hand hovered by his shoulder. He made eye contact with Aja, who looked equally concerned. "I'm so sorry." He whispered.

Douxie barely gave him a glance as he pushed himself to his feet. He staggered slightly, Aja catching his arm. He shook her off, brows furrowed. His disdaining gaze turned to Blinky, and the troll wilted under his stare. "You had better pray that this works," he hissed.

Blinky nodded, gaze solemn. "I am sorry, Douxie. Believe that."


Carter gasped, jostled from his less than restful sleep by somebody shaking his shoulder. He groggily blinked his eyes open to see Joel kneeling in front of him.


"Shh," Joel whispered, urging him to sit up. "I'm sorry, brother. For everything." He grabbed Carter by the shoulders, the veins in his arms glowing red, a pulsing light flowing down his hands and into Carter's body.

Immediately, Carter felt the pain and exhaustion melt off him. He blinked at his brother, confused and wary. "What did you do?"

"I shared my strength with you," Joel explained. "It's a special skill among Father's children."

Carter frowned at him. "Why?"

He sighed, guilt etched in his face. "Because you will need your strength to flee." He looked behind him anxiously. "I'm getting you out of here."

"What?" Carter's eyes widened. "You're helping me escape?"

Joel nodded, pulling him to his feet. "Yes."

Carter stumbled. Joel caught him around the waist, helping to steady him. "Why?"

Joel sighed, helping him to the cell door. "Because I know what they were doing to you was wrong. I couldn't stand by any longer."

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