Chapter 12

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Galahad arrived the next day, clad in armor, a sword bigger than he was tall strapped to his back. He looked exactly the way Douxie remembered him.

"Hisirdoux!" He called cheerfully, waving at the two young men who were standing on the porch of the farmhouse. "Hello, lad!"

Douxie smiled and waved back. "Hi!" He looked at Carter. "See what I mean?"

Carter was grinning. "He looks like an absolute nutjob. Excellent."

Douxie rolled his eyes, scoffing. "You're weird."

"Weird is good." Carter stated, still grinning. "Normal is boring."

"Truer words have never been spoken!" Galahad exclaimed as he neared the porch. He stuck his hand out for Carter to shake. "You must be Hisirdoux's partner. It's quite a pleasure to meet you, lad."

Carter shook his hand. "My name's Carter. It's nice to meet you too, Sir Galahad. Douxie's told me a lot about you."

Galahad smiled. "All good things I hope?" His eyes twinkled with mischief.

Carter laughed. "Mostly."

Galahad glanced at Douxie. "Keep this one, lad. Merlin would've liked him." He winked at the wizard.

Douxie cleared his throat, hand moving to Carter's lower back as he steered him down the porch stairs. "Right, so we haven't gotten around to crafting his sword yet, but I feel like you can teach the basics without it, right?"

Galahad nodded. "Absolutely." He put his meaty hand on Carter's shoulder. "We'll have fun, yes?"

Carter was grinning. "Yes."

Douxie watched as Galahad and Carter walked out towards the middle of the field. He had the horrible feeling those two would get along a little too well.


A few weeks of training went by, and Douxie could see Carter's improvement. He was picking up swordplay rather impressively quickly. Douxie leaned on the porch railing, watching Carter and Galahad go at it. If you didn't know better, you'd think they were trying to kill eachother.

"Do not hold back, lad!" Galahad shouted, swinging his sword so fast, Carter barely had time to block it. "Fight like your life depends on it!" The old knight suddenly body slammed the demigod, sending him to the ground harshly. He pointed his sword at Carter's throat. "Cause one day it will be."

Carter knocked Galahad's sword away from him, getting to his feet. He glanced at Douxie, expression tightening when he saw the concern on his partner's face. "I know."

Galahad squinted at him. "You know, boy? Knowing and doing are two different things." He walked in a circle around him. "You are not one of my squires. You are not a child of ten begging his nobleman father to let him be a knight because he thinks of the glory it would bring. You are more, and therefore need more than just this training. You need to understand the dangers that lie beyond this magical border that keeps you safe." He pointed his sword to the treeline. "Demigods are powerful beings. Dangerous. Know yourself, your limits, your abilities. Discover what it is you can do, and use it in battle."

Carter stared at him. "What are you talking about?"

Galahad grunted. "Your father is a war god, yes?"


"That is why you're such a skilled fighter. War and combat are in your veins, lad. You have the ability to pick up any form of combat quickly. Sword fighting is just one of them." He stuck his sword in the ground, hands gripping the pommel. "I suggest growing your skillset. Learn new things." He sniffed and looked up. "Vameus is also the god of weaponry, crafting, and strategy." He made a face as he thought. "You're hyperactive, right?"

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