The Battle

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Tony noticed that Hope looked worried and decided to say something. "He'll be fine." 

They had just landed at the safe house, and he was helping her inside. "How can you be sure?" 

"You're right. I'm not sure.  But tell you what? If the fighting gets too intense, I'll tell him to shrink and make his way back here." He said. She smiled at him. "That would be great, but you guys are going to need all the fighters you can get. Don't send him back because of me." 

He nodded, understanding. "Friday will help you with anything you need."

"Got it." 

"Just stay here until we give you the all-clear." He said, and then he left. She heard the doors lock, and a few seconds later, the sound of Tony flying away. 

Hope tried to relax, but she was still nervous. What if Scott was seriously hurt? What if he was killed? She pushed that last thought out of her mind. She couldn't think about that. 

Then after about five minutes, she got an idea. "Friday, can you give me a visual of the Avengers Compound?" She asked. She thought that if she could see the compound, she might be able to see the battle and Scott. "Restricted access," Friday replied. "Password needed." 

Hope smiled. "Password: NR2010" 

"Access Granted. Welcome, Natalie Rushman." 

"Thanks, Nat," Hope said to herself. A few weeks before, Natasha had told her about her time working for Tony. Including how she got her own password to Friday. She thought it might come in handy one day. 

A hologram popped up in front of her, it had a live feed from the compound wreckage. 

It was Thanos. 

She turned off the video as quickly as it has come on. Scott was about to fight against Thanos. And she couldn't help him. 

"Would you like to see the helmet feed, Miss Rushman?" Friday asked. "Yes," Hope replied weakly. 

Then she saw the hologram pop up again, this time showing her the inside of Tony's mask. It was supposed to be like watching from Tony's perspective. She heard the radio turn on, and she heard Scott ask, "Tony, did you get Hope to the safe house?" "Yes, she's safe, but right now, we have to figure out how we're going to kill this guy a second time," Tony answered. 

He flew close to Thanos and tried to shoot him with a plasma ray. But he missed and the purple alien threw his double-sided sword at Tony, just narrowly missing him. Tony's view shifted, and he pulled up a picture onto his mask hologram. It was a picture of Pepper and Morgan. 

"Friday, is there a camera in the Ant-helmet?" Hope asked. "Yes, there are cameras in every suit," Friday answered. 

"Okay, so first things first, disable the camera in the Wasp suit, because that's not happening. And then show me the feed from the Ant-suit." Hope said. There was no way she was letting Tony have access to her suit. 

The video changed, and this time, she heard Scott. She tried to talk to him through her radio, but he couldn't hear her. Her speaker must've been damaged. 

"Scott, there's a group of aliens coming your way, I count at least fifty. Can you handle it?" Steve asked. 

"I think so," Scott answered. 

"Friday, show me live feed from the compound," Hope requested. 

The hologram changed again. She could still see the full battlefield, but she couldn't find Scott. 

Seconds later, she watched as Scott grew into Giant-Man, and crushed a good twenty of the aliens that were surrounding him. He shrunk back down to normal size and started to fight the aliens off in hand-to-hand combat. He couldn't stay giant for long, or else he'd pass out. So it made sense that he would shrink back down, to conserve energy. She taught him well. 

Hope grew tense. He was totally outnumbered. She had to go help. 

"Friday, unlock the door." She said. She heard the door unlock, and then she shrunk and flew out of the safe house. It still hurt to fly, but not as much as it would hurt to walk. She was really fast when she was flying. So the one mile that took Tony five minutes to travel only took her two. 

She kept flying, and soon she could see the compound. Or what was left of it. She kept her radio on, but her speaker was still damaged, so she could only hear the team talk to each other. 

"I could really use some help over here!" 

It was Scott. 

"What's going on?" She heard Tony ask. 

"There-more aliens-surrounded!" Scott said, cutting out. 

"No, no!" She cried. She flew faster and then she saw him. 

He was surrounded by about thirty aliens. He tried to fight them off but was easily overwhelmed. Before she could get to him, he used a technique that Hope had taught him. It was a difficult technique to master if you didn't know what you were doing, but he pulled it off. Once the aliens surrounded him in a circle formation, he pulled out a shrinking disc and threw it at one of the aliens. Once it shrunk, its spear, laced with poison, fell and pierced the alien that was next to it. And it repeated until only two aliens were left. One, which Scott killed easily with a spear. And the other was still small, and all Scott had to do was step on it. 

"Domino technique always works!" 

She was proud of him. But he was distracted and didn't notice an alien sneaking up behind him, spear in hand. 


Just as the alien was about to throw the spear, Hope grew to full size, blocking it. 

Scott heard someone scream in pain, and turned around to see Hope on the ground, spear in her chest. 


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