part 19

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Sid: sana ( he suddenly turn towards the crowd . he run towards the door and crow her name ) sana... sana... shehnaaz.....(everyone got surprised with his this behaviour. luckily his blood had stop )

j: sid!! she is not here ( he pat sid  shoulder. sid comes back on his sense but seeing all them he recall their betrayal . he gave a death glare to all of them . his blood boiled in anger. his eyes change its color & turned in blood redeye. he shout on them & ask to leave before he do something that could hurt them.)

S: I know you guys are lying as I can feel her presence ( shizuka shocked with his his word) I know she is here , near me.

K: No bro! it's your misunderstanding. she is not here. we tried our best to bring her but we don't have her number...

S: ( cut him in middle)  what the hell you guys were doing here? I  said that I don't want anyone of you. just leave before I harm you .&

boys: bro!!! ( with pleading voice)

si: I said not to call me that. ( he shout loud on them. shizuka flinch with his this tone. ) we are not brother anymore. at least not with yours lies. ( he glares them & all girls shocked as they knew how much strong their bond was) did you guys know the meaning of brotherhood or friendship??? huh... ( he show his back towards them. kushal & vikas bow their head where jay  glare towards them. they both are guilty that they had hurt their brother.)

S: so you know what relationship means??? ( shizuka question him & all got shocked by that question  . she gives a sarcastic smile ). the way of your talking, behaving with them , is this is how you do or maintain any relation. what crime they had done that you are behaving like they had murder someone.

Si: ( Gives a stern look ) you stay away from this. as you don't know about the situation.  can't you see their guilt on their face. 

S: at least they are guilty about their mistake . otherwise there are many people who killed people's soul but didn't even flinch ( she taunt him). you can see their guiltiness but what about you??? what the matter if they had been in contact with her? it's their choice that with whom they wanted to talk or not ( every one got scared not only with the words she used but also with her tone . as no one has talk with him like this till the date.) or you get angry that your so called friends had been in touch with your ex-fiancé. ( everyone gives a look to her in shock. Girls got what she was doing but boys & meethi got shocked by shocked with her each words) did you hate her that much that you don't want any of your people to be with her???

Si: I don't have any problem that they are in touch with her but what matter is that they kept it in secret ( he glares towards them. he was feeling low by both mentally & physically. he was getting weak by passing time but he want to fight.) they know how much I missed her...( shizuka gives a sab smile as she think that was a lie) that how much I'm dying to see her & how much I lo.... ( he stop as he does not have any strength to claim his love after all his deeds but shizuka got shocked with his statement as she got the most scary wanted thing in front of her eyes) leave it. you won't understand how it feels when your own people betray you.

S: ( she laugh sarcastically) Ya! I don't know. whose whole teenage lies on a lie. ( got her eyes moist but maintain before getting other attention . every one gives her a look but she ignore it) ya I don't know how first people claim to love but when their need got satisfied they change. ya I don't know how people can use such logic to prove  themselves right or wrong to other. ( he gives a question look) as far as I know you are the one who betray her,  who cheat her, leave her then why you want to know about her. ohhh !! to know whether she still living like a death or what .

Si: no! I don't want her to be...( he can't able to complete his sentence.) I just want to know about her well being ( in a low voice) 

S: but she does not want you to know about her. ( he got shocked but it's true that she doesn't want him to know about her) that's why she makes a deal with them that if they tell or even gives a hint to you about her she will break every relation with them as well.  even all of them doesn't have any idea about her that where she live. they even don't have her number so, they came to me to please me for her contact.

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