Part 5

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After a short nap she join her chucks in dinning for dinner along with short chitchat. They discuss about the health & issue about her father. Almost half of his reports emphasize that he can survive through the surgery but remaining fear about what if he did not response the medicine & treatment. She along with her mother has already lost most more precious individuals in their life but She can't loose him now, she can't handle any breakdown of her family. Her thoughts are giving her goosebumps.

S: kakujaan !!!he will be alright na???? We will be alright. Isn't it???? (seriousness in her tone)

C: ( blink his eyes in assurance) everything will be. It seems that apart from years now he is responding his treatment & medicine are being effective but we need to wait for report for confirmation that his body & mind are ready for further process.

S: (raise her hand for pray) Allah blessed us (with closed eyes) this time I don't want any tiny mistake kakujaan make sure about your technical & medical team before going onwards. I don't want him to suffer along with amma as well. She can't handle any broken down now. As passing year she built up her strong & ruthless image but inwards she is more weak by emotion. (tears roll down by cheeks)

C: you always think about others breakdowns but what about you my princess?? (he move towards her & wipe her tears & hug her) you always put others in first place, you care for others but what about your health, your feelings & your fucking life ??

S:(breaking hug & giving death glare) others?? Are you for serious kakujaan?? They are my fucking parents. Don't worry about mine, I'm capable of handling it on my own.

C: (sigh) then what have you think about the surgery. From when did you want us to start ? Are you for sure to cooperate.??

S: lets meet doctors first & have good talk about my fathers treatments & recovery progress.

Meantime she got a call by someone. By seeing his name in caller ID she mentally cursed herself & plamed her head.

S: oh shit! I'm dead now (chucks chuckle) excuse me. (she excuse to attend the call for a minute) ohh ohh sorry sorry....
Don't worry about that......
I will handle it.......
Medicine (shut her eyes tightly & slap her head with her plam) I'm just going to take it...
Okay okay....
I will promise... (laugh)
Okay I will call you later. You just concentrate on our (looking towards her chucks)..... P.. Pro.. Project.
Ya I will let him know. Okay bye. C u. (she cut the call only to meet her chucks face with smirk & teasing experience)

What???? (he raised his eyebrows and mimic her "what??". She shook her head in disbelief).
My lawyer was on call to discuss about business.

C: (teasing tone) doesn't seems like a business one. Isn't he Ellen's (his wife) nephew . I heard that he work for you & became cloooseee. (put a pressure in close)

S: (irritating tone) enough (giving a dead glare) ya & he said salam to you. And instead of being friend to me, he is a worker so, I don't want any misconception about us in future. Better watch your words (in a stern voice) I dont have any kind of feelings & emotions for anyone expect my family. It will be better you guys to understand these things on your own.

C: but why can't you be on anyone princess?? Its being fucking 19 years & more. Just forget that incident as a bad dream & live your life happily with no burden of past. (in concerned tone)

S: bad dream seriously (sarcastically laugh) it was being a fucking nightmare which hunts me every fucking day. (roared with moist eyes) there is no reason to be happy about life when I'm dealing with all these things in my life but I'm satisfied with what I have.

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