Part 53

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Ayaan ( A ): Ms. ziva !!!! haven't you took good care of  our guests. seems like they still hadn't done with their dinner. ( pointing that untouched food in each plate )

Ziva ( ZI ): ( in confusion )  They were eating while I had gone to see for other guests. I also had appoint other maids to serve them ( she glares at the appoint maid ).

Shizuka ( SHI) : you should be more careful ( in a stern tone.) 

 ZI: I'm sorry for my carelessness. ( she bow in front of them )

Vikas (V ): No... No !  It's not their  fault, we were waiting for you. 

A :  let's start then. Ms. Ziva please refill their plate.

SHI : Refill??? & what about this food in plate??? Isn't it will waste if we throw it like this. do you even know how many people were dying in hunger???

A : that was a leftover one we can't .... ( cut in middle )

SID : it's ok we will eat it. she is right we can't waste food like this. it's still eatable.moreover, it's our mistake to left like this. ( everyone took their seat )

SHI : we again misunderstood me Mr. khan. ( everyone gave her a look ) I didn't mean you to eat cold one. ( all gave a confused look. he raise his brows to question . ufff!! that look !!! it kills. ) did you guys mind if I reheat this food??? (  she asked all who shakes their head in no.) 

A : Ms. ziva !!! ( she nodded & start collecting plates. ) careful!! don't mix plates. 

SID : it's ok Mr. Ansari , we didn't mind to share . ( Ayaan gave took to other who all nodded in agree. )

A : okaya then!! ( turn at shizuka ) do you also want to reheat your food .)

SHI : no !! it's ok. it's fine .

A: by the way , we had promised me for a meal.

SHI : & we are having meal in your plates.

A : I want your handmade one ( with a puppy face which she ignore). that was our deal.  ( he said like a stubborn child. She shake her head in his childishness.)

SHI : Ms. samina ! he is saying that he doesn't like your food. ( said to the cook who had just came to serve the reheat food . )

A: hey!! ( He knew sanima , who is their cook from decades . she doesn't like when people bad mouth & comment on her hard work. she doesn't entertain such people . ) when did I say that . ( he gave a sweet puppy look to samina but it's too late now as she already took his plate away.) why did you do that ( gave a angry look at shizuka ) my food ( cry )

SHI : your punishment . ( she wink at him. she knew he is a food who can't say no to any food he get. but it's his fault to irritate him. leaving him whipping , she start enjoying her food .) Ms. samina!!! your cooked food is so best, it's so tasty. )

Samina : thank you Ms. Sheikh . eat more . ( she add more food in her plate & leave .)

A : Ms. sanima ( but she move ahead like she doesn't heard him calling her name. He gave a angry glare to Shizuka who show her tongue while giggling. ) devil

SHI : Thank you ( she gave a sarcastic smile )

A : hehehe ( he mimicry her & snatch her plate  & starting enjoying his meal through it. Sid who is sitting on left side of her fill new plate & pass her.  )

SHI : thank you. ( she know it's him but still she took & start eating without making any fuss. he smile ) Ms. Zive !! has our other guest had their dinner?? ( she nodded. they eat in silence & shift to living area & order tea)

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