part 31

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S: ( in anger ) you can't even imagine how I lived each years all alone. After losing you, I was in peace that you had lived a peaceful life . How can I now live when I got to know that they are not with us & you are living a miserable life.  Please don't leave me. I can't leave alone now

Sh : If you can't leave alone, you can marry her ( point towards zoya ) she suits you.

Z : shehnaaz!! ( in a loud cold tone)  are you out of your mind.  You bitch..

A : zoya!! Mind you toung.

Z : aayaan !! how could you be so blind in her love that you can't even think right & wrong.  just look & think beyond  her. Did you just hear what she said??

A : ya & I think it's a best things you could do ( his hold on Shehnaaz got tight) y.. You.. ( close his eyes & open after taking a breath) You both deserve each other. ( with this word he leaves the place with  Shehnaaz & her family. )

Z: ok fine if you want so.. If you want to ruin my life I'll happily make it possible for you. ( she said in a range. Sid who was listening to all this shit got a temper & spoke in a range)

S : if you really want me to be shattered then I'll fulfill your wish for sure. ( he screams to her. He breakdown on the floor with thud. Shehnaaz heard him & her heart crunch with his breaking voice. Or you can say with the agreement he said. She closes her eyes to let the long teras escape & goes from there.)
Shehnaaz along with her family leave from there.

R: Siddharth!! ( his mom goes to him & captured in his embrace where kushal hold his sister knowing how shattered she is)

S : mom!! How could she leave me after knowing all the truth, why did she leave.

Z : did you hear bhai what he just said. He asked me to marry another man, his fiance's ex. How could he. ( she was crying hugging him )

Innayat : What's wrong with it. ( all looks towards her in shock ) if they are happy with their relationship then you both have right to move on & you should be.

R : what are you saying???

Z : ya!! She is right. If he was happy after leaving me. Why should I cry over him. I won't ( she wipe her tears) I'm ready for this.

K: zoya!! Don't took any decision on rush.

Z : no! I've decided.

K: you are no one to took such decision.

I : kushal let them decide. Siddharth what you say??

S : I'm in.

R : but Sid....

S : let go & prepare for the alliance. ( zoya & Sid both nodded towards each other)

Marriage is a pure & ritual relationship between not only  two people but also with two family. You can't take a rash decision on such sensitive topic but when a person is in range then he/ she would loss the thinking capacity & refuse to listen to others like both of them where doing.
All other people were against their decision expect  Inayat but they were not able to understand. They were adamant in their decision.

On the other side,

All were in a room of a beautiful villa of umar & sana as she handle their branch from here. Shehnaaz was continuously crying where Ayaan trying to pacify her. Nusrat was also silently crying over fate. Sanam was consoling her by saying some good word.

Sh : ( holding sana's hand ) sorry sister!! Sorry brother in law ( looking towards umar) because of me you  2 have to listen many things. Sana had to listen venom on her character. ( where sana was nodding in no)

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