Part 47

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As a flight board, all took their seat. Sid sit alone in the corner. He was going through tough time. He had to see his love with someone else & who made it. He himself. If those things were not happened in past then, now they were being a happy couple, happily married & might had childrens as well. Their life would be different. They would be together. All past flashed in front of him.

Siddharth pov

I siddharth khan, heir of khan industries, a successful businessman but in real a failure. I'm a tycoon or a masterpiece in business world but in real world I'm just a loser. I'm in top or height in professional life but where did I in personal life? who am I ? unknown....

every other girls want me in their life. they dreamed for me but I ...., I only want her in my world. I only want her in my side, to be with me in my ups & downs, in my happiness & sadness, in my height & lowest. I had dreamed my whole life with her. I had planned my future, my family, my life with her. I want her to be my home but I.., I myself shattered those dreams of mine with my own hand. I broke her... I broke her trust in me, in my words, in my love, in my everything. that was the worst decision of my life, to let her go.

from birth , we were together. we grown-up together , we play together, we got scold together, we live together but a storm shattered our togetherness. I shattered our happiness. I was 2 when she born. she lighten our life with colors, happiness. she was the bundle of our joyness. she makes our life happening with her jokes, talks, dramas. she was the reason of smile in everyone's face & we ourselves let that color fade away, that happiness fade away. we were very happy in our life, with our family, with our relation but a storm shattered everything ...., everything. our relation, our family, our happiness , or life, everything shattered with it.

from childhood every person said us to play with each other,  protect each other from others, live with each other, live for each other. they teach us how to support , love ,live together but they never told us how to live without each other.

we had best companion with each other , we know each other's every little- little things. we knew we had a future with each other . we love each other. we were best friends. we used to help each other in works, in study, in being a better person. we used to protect each other from others & even with our own family's scold. we used love each other more than our own life. we used to live for each other.

from early age we know ,we have a future together. we were meant to be for each other . our bond was all natural : no force, no lies, no betrays, no compromise, just a pure love, pure relation. our love , our relation also grow along with our growing age. we became inseparable. we used to do everything together: play together, study together, live together. we used to share everything, our thoughts, pain, happiness & life , everything with each other.

one fine day, due to health issue of our grandma ( Noora sheikh) , our parents decide to do our engagement in very young age. our age was not to get married but we didn't have any complain for that as we were sure for our relation. we were sure to be each other's soulmates. so, we happily get engaged . We were just 18/ 16 at that time. we were so happy with our new relation. we finally became fiancée , a step to be one in every manner. we began with being cousin then best friend . we became lovers & now fiancée. we were really happy & blessed. We can't able to wait for being one in every manner. being with each other legally. we had became one from very long. we had share our everything with each other,  our body as well. we had being one soul from long & now we are only giving it a legal call . we never regret our togetherness, our nearness, our intimacy. we were happy .. really happy with our family but one decision changed everything. one person's decision change every relation. We were just waiting for a right time to came to get married.

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