Part 42

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" Ye raat ki khamoshi....
Ye aalam_e_tanhaai
Phir Dard utha dil me,
Phir yaad uski aai... :"

A drop of tears dropped in a diary from shehnaaz's eyes. The whole scenario again brought her in her past. The same thing happening around didn't let her be in peace of mind. She always pray to her Allah to never let a women suffer like she did but now her own friends were suffering from this.

She was already tensed in her life about her marriage with Ayaan, where she knew he & Zoya love each other. Sid was also giving her a tough time, not verbally, not physically but mentally & emotionally. Every time she tried hard to forget past but every person around her had promised to never let her. She was fighting with her own things & now this new one.


A loud thud sound raise her heart beat. She followed the sound leaving her work in middle. She had assumed it be Ayaan who might had crashed something in anger but he was also coming towards her by the effect of sound. Both gave each other look & run towards meethi's room. They open her door to saw meethi's unconsciously lying on a floor. They tried hard to bring her back but nothing help out. They took her towards the nearest hospital where their common friend used to work. They called him for emergency.

They stayed out when doctor were examine meethi. They got afraid for their friend. After some time doctor came out to gave them another shock.

A : is she alright ( doctor nodded)

D :  I think she take extra stress for her wedding ( wedding, this word crunch their heart as they didn't knew whether it will be happening or not)  we had to gave her saline. She will be OK.

S : saline??? What happened to her???

D : her glucose level is very low which is not good for her in such situations. Didn't she had her proper meal?? She can't skip any it will be harmful for both of them.

A/S : in such condition??? / both of them??? ( both asked in confusion. Little bit they had idea about what Dr. Was talking about but wanted to confirm it.

D : don't you guys knew??? she is pregnant. ( & the boom explode. Both rubbed their forehead in tense )

S : are both fine??

D ( nodded in positive) they are good but she need some glucose for energy. We had to do some test so, it will take some time. You guys meet her. I had some patients left. ( he leave from there saying he will catch them after her result) I will meet you guys with reports.

Both gave each a look of 'what to do' . They didn't knew how to disclose this good new to all in such critical situation. They didn't even knew whether meethi knew about the baby or not.
Once she came back to her conscious, shehnaaz made her drink some juice. After making her comfortable they made her had her lunch as she need it most. At first she denied but when her two Hitler boss show them their red eyes, she had it without any tantrum as she also knew her baby need it. they asked her about the baby. She nodded in approval and said that she got to know about her pregnancy on the same day when they had come.

S : did he know???

M : no!!! I had planned to tell him on our surprised dinner date yesterday but things goes out of our hands ( tears flow from her eyes)

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