Part 40

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Ayaan pull both shehnaaz & meethi from the cabin leaving khans all alone. A tear escaped from everyone's eyes. why this all was happening with them & their close ones. each time one began to be happy a storm always cross their path. it's just like that they were cursed for marriage. Don't any of them had a happily marriage. they make there way towards their car & leave for their apartment where khans also leave for their mansion. Everyone in the car were silent ,sad, mourn over their fate.

on the other side, vikas came down from car & move towards mansion where jay was parking their car when sid's car also reached their mansion. Sid asked jay about vikas in return jay shake his head. they run towards the mansion when they heard a large sound of broken glasses.

vikas has thrown a vase on his way . all other member also came from their room with the sound & saw a furious vikas which shocked the ladies & staff of house as it was rare to saw a angry vikas. he is a patience one among all. before anyone could question vikas, sid & zoya leave for his room.

pyaar hai ya saaza aye mere dil bata

toota kyun nahi daar ka silsila

iss pyaar mein ho kaisi kaisi imtihan

yeh pyaar likhe kaisi kaisi dastaan

ya rabba dede koi jaan bhi agar

dibaar pe ho na dilbar pe ho na koi aasar....

All the way back  to apartment no one talk with each other. they had a silent trip. All were fighting with their emotional turmoil but doesn't want another to know about the thing. they just want there personal space at right moment. As soon as they reached their apartment, both girls hastily enter their room & locked it back & break down in tears.

 Ayaan was also fighting with his emotions . why every time his love became the reason of his close ones tears?? he closed his eyes while hand rubbing his forehead. is it not possible to get a loved one. he question ??? as they 3 were  same in terms of their love life. he was also shattered to know that his lovely G. grandmother was the cause of his first heartbreak.  A tear escaped from his eyes .

ho...ya rabba ...dede koi jaan bhi agar

dibaar pe ho na dilbar pe ho na koi  

hooo...pyaar hai ya saaza aye mere dil bata

toota kyun nahi daar ka silsila


zoya lock herself & cry on her fate. why it's always her??? first its her own brother's marriage now vikas's. why didn't she had control over her mouth?? it was not intentional but Ayaan's accused  eyes & words were killing her. vikas anger was unexpectable. she knew he will hate her if any bad thing happen. she jump on bed & cry over her fate.

kaisa hai safar waffa ki manzil ka

na hai koi hal dilon ki mushkil ka

dhadkan dhadkan bikhri ranjishein

sansein sansein tooti bandhishen

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